Re: Star Trek: this franchise needs to be taken away from Jar Jar Abrams and his crew. They ruin any science fiction they touch.
Re: Star Trek: this franchise needs to be taken away from Jar Jar Abrams and his crew. They ruin any science fiction they touch.
But this movie looks like Battleship. It just doesn't have any Trek in it. I can see people run through glass walls in virtually any film in theaters this week. Seriously, who cares?
Hell, I blame thirty five years of watching Doctor Who — trying to impose any kind of canonical continuity on that (how many fraking times do alien invaders have to rampage through London before folks stop being terribly surprised?) is a bullet train to crazy town. Ditto for Star Trek — guess I slept through the 90's…
I figured there would be more demand in the States for it to be shown here first. It's strange to me because it would be like if we decided to show of a Live action trailer for Battleship Yamato here first instead of in Japan.
And is that a bad thing? Really, we're talking about a movie franchise based on a comic book property that will turn fifty next September and where everyone and everything has been ret-conned, re-booted, re-designed, killed off (then raised from the dead with an application of the solid-handwavium reset button), or…
Pshaw... like I'm going to let documentary evidence get in the way of my totally awesome, convoluted theory. :)
Could you stop messing up my awesome theories with facts and observation of physical reality? Golly... :)
Wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. Hell, you're talking to someone who treated watched two Bond films a day, in order, before seeing Skyfall, which requires a very high tolerance for minor variations on a formula. :) Personally (and as someone who doesn't think JJ Abrams is the anti-Christ who lies awake as…
God damn it JJ, stop fucking up my beloved Star Trek!!!
Hopefully it's Gary Mitchell. Karl Urban said he was playing Gary Mitchell
I hope not, having successfully repressed all memories of that movie we shall not speak of again. :) But look at it this way, IIRC Spock said in dialogue that he estimated fifty thousand survived Nero's genocide out of a population of six billion, In an instant, not only your entire home and family, but hundreds of…
Aren't Yeoman Rand and Nurse Chapel trying to figure out a way for Uhura to *cough* have a transporter accident so they can take turns comforting Spock? :)
Carol Marcus?
The Wrath of... we still don't know who. But he's pretty fricken wrathful.
Look at the ears. My totally worthless theory: Cumberbatch is playing a Vulcan who's totally lost his shit at his whole world being destroyed, and the Federation being about as much use as a Tribble at a bat'leth fight. Earth is just the first stop on the way to Romulus...
And to be fair, "Englishing" Bande dessinée is a little more complex that just whiting out the speech balloons, and entering the text into an on-line translation engine. I don't read French, but I know people who do that say René Goscinny was addicted to some remarkably complex - and sophisticated - puns and word…
Is Asterix really not this well known in the US? I am genuinely surprised.
Love, Russell Crowe? Love as in throwing a hotel employee in the face with a phone, Russell Crowe?
Don't they have him permanently chained to a scenic New Zealand location in "Gandalf" makeup for the next few years???
To keep things more or less in IO9's genre wheelhouse, one of the sadder passings on the Kiwi literary scene was Margaret Mahy ( who won the Carnegie Medal twice for The Changeover and The Haunting. (Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, bless their hearts, only pulled that off…