Craig Michael Ranapia

Oh, for God's sake - yeah, I'm entirely capable of making a US Marine blush. Then again, if I want to insult a man trotting out the "what a cock-sucker" shtick isn't my go-to. Then again, since I'm gay and don't consider fellatio the most horrible and degrading thing a man can possibly do, my mileage obvious varies.

One of the strangest to me, the more I think about it, is Cavill's suicide. Where was he going? The hub was destroyed. lol

Nah, I wouldn't let Baltar off the hook that easily. FFS, he gave a (hot) woman access to the Colonial Defence Mainframe - and as D'anna says to Caprica Six in Downloaded "thanks to you, the attack succeeded beyond our most optimistic projections." Well, thanks to Baltar being a vain, arrogant frak who can't run his

that Baltar and Six never pay for the mass murders they were instrumental in

Um, who's "we"? I know a lot of highly talented people who've got paid employment out of this and I'm sure they have a lot to be proud of. But I suspect I'm not the only New Zealander who doesn't feel the need - or the desire - to buy into a load of faux-patriotic marketing hype. And it's a shame that there's a lot

That's what you get when you've got a prime minister whose negotiation technique is to get on his knees and open his mouth.

Santa? OY, WAKE UP! :)

I'd also nominate "Revelations". The fleet finally arrives to the promised planet of Earth! ....only to find it a radioactive husk. It was a devastating gut-punch and set up the last run of episodes so beautifully.

Anyone both of them are chump change compared to the mid-season finale of season 4: "Yay! We found Earth! Everyone is happy! Starbuck was right! The prophesy was right! We're mates with the Cylons now! Everything's going to be just fi— oh, they blew it up. Fuck."

Small quibble about you BSG choice - yes, Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2 is awesome but no love whatsoever for season one's Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part 2? Excellent fake out there - Suicidal Boomer (who is having the worse identity crisis day EVER) meets her sisters, blows them the frak up. Yay! Then she goes all Lee

Yes - there's plenty of film adaptations I've enjoyed a lot more than their source material — looking back over Ang Lee's own filmography, Brokeback Mountain (which I like with heavy reservations) and The Ice Storm (seriously under-rated, IMO) fit the bill.

Serious question: If you thought the book was a load of Oprah Book Club psychobabbling tosh, does the film adaptation have enough going on to work in its own right?

Ang Lee? isn't he the dude who screwed up The Hulk?

So, basically it's second verse same as the first with inscrutable orientals in the Pacific Northwest replacing swarthy Cubans in South Park country? M'kay... might wait until the DVD hits the discount bin.

And okay, I'm not an American, but can we get past the "I want America back" shit? Time to move on.

if ST2 was successful, the third movie could get caught up in some sort of pre-production hell that dragged on for years, etc.

Perhaps - but no smart actor ever presumes they've got a gig until they've wrapped the last day of shooting... and even then. Least we forget, Skyfall — you know, the latest entry in the longest running film franchise in Hollywood history — had to shut down pre-production for almost a year when MGM went down the

UH anyone else a little worried now about a potential third Star Trek with the way Quinto was talking

I suspect not - the individual stories are actually pretty well packed with extra features from the get-go so if they end up re-packaging whole Doctor runs it's just going to be a matter of running up some cardboard cases and filling them from warehouse stock. Not that there's anything wrong with that...