Craig Michael Ranapia

I saw Holy Motors at a film festival screening — the kind of audience you'd expect to be pretty film-literate and in the lobby afterwards, it was pretty *cough* divisive. :) Eavesdropping in the lobby afterwards, opinions were divided between people movie-geeking out on Kylie's hairstyle being identical to Jean

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The little playlets also seem to be commenting on genre at times, with some of them veering closer to genres like "action movie" or "gangster movie" and others seeming like earnest attempts at family drama or romance.

I think a lot genre directors are going to stay well clear of this because they don't want to feel the brunt of fan outrage...

Neill Blomkamp, for one of them, at least!

Please let it be Joss, Please let it be Joss, Please let it be Joss.

Probably, but I just hope we're not in for another round of convoluted too-damn-clever-for-its-own-good timey-wimey, clever-dicky plotting from Moffat. I think it would be really cool if Clara ended up being a distant ancestor of Soufflé Girl — shared brains and spirit, as well as the face. Wouldn't it be nice if

Nah, here's my theory for what it's worth. Clara ends up being an ancestor of Oswin with a strong physical resemblance to her descendant (like Gweneth from series one's The Unquiet Dead and Torchwood's Gwen Cooper). Clara ends up shaking The Doctor out of his post-Pond funk and this time he's going to do right by

but why does "Christmas" always have to mean Victorian England for the BBC (or wartime)? Have they no better ideas?

If she's really not the same character, why the same actress?

However, is it just me, or does anyone else think Moffat has taken the fairy tale elements a little too far?

Who is she? Wasn't she the dalek woman?

When I'm done horror-geeking out over my shiny new BluRay of Cabin The Woods, I'll probably never want to see another Angry Molesting Tree every again. :) But I'm cautiously excited — even if Oz ends up a Disney-fied hot mess, it will be a Sam Raimi hot mess. And it can't possibly be even worse than Burton's Alice

I'm just afraid Raimi's going to throw in an Angry Molesting Tree for old times sake...

I'm obviously in no position to call bullshit on your source, but I sat in an audience where Matt Weiner was pretty blunt. Everyone passed on a spec script he'd been shopping around for years — with a solid but not exactly earth-shaking series of credits — before he was hired by David Chase. And let's be honest, if I

That "unfocused" carnival show was fantastic.

OK, I agree with you that we should never forget that networks aren't in business for the art but to avoid getting gutted by angry shareholders. :) That said, making money can be less simple that it appears. The West Wing was a pretty expensive show, and wasn't exactly pulling in the all holy 18-30 demographic - and

We've said this before — but Caprica probably would have been a much better show if it hadn't been a BSG prequel.

I can understand it very easily. "How about giving me 100 million dollars to make a movie in which our hero is a psychotic, sadistic dick-wad who murders whole families. Will Smith is really keen." I believe the answer would be "no" and "you lie" in that order.

You're welcome, but I will require payment in advance. Cash, no credit cards or personal cheques. :)

So why not put them to work in some original material and let those of us who grew up with Bond and who actually read the Fleming novels, keep our old fashioned hero?