Why gut a franchise like James Bond and turn it into a generic action movie when you can make your own fucking generic action movie and leave the Bond movies free to continue to be full of laser watches, cars with missiles and so on and so forth?
Why gut a franchise like James Bond and turn it into a generic action movie when you can make your own fucking generic action movie and leave the Bond movies free to continue to be full of laser watches, cars with missiles and so on and so forth?
Well, this is someone who won an Oscar despite being on screen for less than ten minutes. Because she effortlessly stole every frame she was in from Not-Ralph Fiennes, Sexy Darcy and Head in a Box Paltrow.
I don't think he will pass this up.
*cough* Pussy Galore *cough*
IS there a "foghorn making love to a cow, and neither party is enjoying it that much" sample folks are obliged to use? I suspect there is.
I wonder how probable it would be for the MPAA to let this movie have a PG-13 rating while still allotting that same amount of gore in a zombie movie today?
At the end of that trailer, I wanted to stab Brad Pitt in the face much less than I did after this painfully pretentious Jo Wright-directed Chanel No. 5 ad. WARNING MAY CAUSE NAUSEA, RAGE AND A DESIRE TO BEAT YOURSELF ABOUT THE HEAD WITH A PERFUME BOTTLE
I know Victory of The Daleks doesn't get a lot of love in Who fandom, but I actually liked how The Doctor got played like a cheap fiddle. I'd love to see Gaiman's take on the Cybermen make them equally sneaky, manipulative and turn the Doctor's tendency to be a cosmic smart-arse around to bite him in the arse.
So maybe it's not the Bond villain that's a copy of the Joker, but the Joker that's a copy of classic Bond villains?
and then TNG came out with the Borg, who were everything the Cybermen should be.
and the Lip-Smacking Relish Villain as you put it was very much a Heath Ledger Joker. From the speech patterns to the mannerisms to the 'feel', it was very Joker-esque.
even very early on I wanted a kind of feeling of flamboyant… lip-smacking relish of this particular type of villain.
And I'm totally down with the "Peter becomes an Observer to fight the Observers" storyline. Especially since he was sort of goaded into giving up (some of) his humanity because his emotions allegedly prevented his attack on the wormhole from succeeding. Fascinating.
So. Peter is going full Neo?
If Starz is "housewife porn" what is HBO? Porn for people who can afford domestics?
They quietly mumble their lines. Speak up!
I think a very big political strain in Dune isn't left or right, but encourages a healthy skepticism of putting your faith in charismatic figures who claim to have all the answers — political, religious, ideological or any combination of the three. Because they really don't.
That was inadmissible.
I suspect it's going to be a matter of when - not if - someone calls the cops if I keep hate-watching a show that makes me scream WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOU IDIOTS at the television so much. :)
Goodbye, Lori. Now I can finally disable the "she had consensual sex with another man when she had perfectly good reason to think her husband was comatose zombie chow, GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY!" hot key.