Craig Michael Ranapia

I'd respectfully disagree that the show was totally humourless — for most of season one, Baltar was very much played (over-much IMO) as the twitchy comic relief. But I think there was a fair amount of (pitch black) humour in the show, but it was observational and character-based rather than "LOOK! LOOK! GAGS!" It's

RE: The Wolverine - why make a movie about the Wolverine starring the same actor if you're just going to pretend the other movies don't exist?

Nah - Peter really is his father's son. Both of them. :) I'll avoid spoilers in case you want to catch us, but Peter's had something horrible happen to someone close to him, and his response is to do something truly stupid and awful with the very best of good intentions. And it doesn't work out as intended. I fully

Quite. I remember Ron Moore being asked why BSG wasn't more funny, and he replied (I"m paraphrasing) it's really hard - and arguably in pretty bad taste - to slip jokes into a show whose premise is "a handful of survivors of the near-total genocide of the human race are running for their lives from the Cylons — who

If I ever saw Totoro in real life, I'd probably go "awww, cute" then shit my pants and faint. That toothy grin and those big eyes would be... unnerving for real.

I guess if your metric for success is a $50 million+ North American opening weekend, who really thought Cloud Atlas wasn't farked from the start. I don't mean this to sound condescending, but I think even the co-directors and producers have been pretty realistic that this was always going to be a hard sell, not least

In Neo-Seoul, Papa Song serves up fast food and genetically engineered Korean woman to patrons. These Korean women are only slightly varied in appearance and features, being genetic clones of one another...

He also says that he would like his Doctor to take on the Master — provided the Master is played by John Simm.

It's all about opportunity cost.

I'm still not sure about this. Aren't the GOP staunchly against the sort of biotech research that we would need to bring about an effective zombie virus?

I wonder if this is actually his house

OK, let's see how the two behaved in the past.

To give Fuller his due (and I'm not his biggest fanboy), he does attract serious acting-fu to his projects.

Just watch more TV. Simple.

Izzard and Rossi were in fine form as always, but I think there was too much Izzard (I know, but it's an ensemble show) and way too little of her.

Eddie Izzard was pitch perfect for this (getting even more entertaining as he more and more got to do things his way)

Zhang Ziyi did actually have death threats against her for deciding to play a Japanese geisha, with accusations being that she was betraying China by playing such a role.

or "How would you feel if a movie about Abraham Lincoln if he was played by Denzel Washington?"

Sometimes, I just like to watch a movie precisely to escape all of that bullshit.

Why don't we wait and see how Ben Kingsley does before you start calling out a lynch mob?