More interesting question - did Finch ever have "it" — because I'm not sure someone who built the ultimate cyber-stalker really had all their wiring in the standard configuration to begin with. :)
More interesting question - did Finch ever have "it" — because I'm not sure someone who built the ultimate cyber-stalker really had all their wiring in the standard configuration to begin with. :)
Co-signed. The last 3D film I saw was Dredd — and even then, only because it was the only way I was going to see it in a theatre, and the advanced word of mouth was that the stereography wasn't just a migraine-inducing excuse to artificially pump up the opening weekend gross.
come for Sean Bean, stay for the boob monster
And I think its Sherlock is like... less obnoxious than that guy on The Mentalist.
So shorter Hollywood: We've shifted off one set of racist tropes even we can't really hand-wave away anymore (sinister Fu Manchurian Yellow Peril) to another nobody who matters really gives a fuck about, if we're honest (sinister vaguely 'Middle Eastern'). Oh. Yay...
Quite. I don't think Elementary is that good, but it's a perfectly competent odd couple procedural - and if that's not your cup of tea, fair enough. But even if Elementary was critically the next Breaking Bad and had the ratings of Two and a Half Men in its prime, so what?
All that said... yeah, I do wish "fandom" and "dribbling arseholes" were synonymous less often than is the case. :(
Ugh, ugh, fuckity-ugh is my considered analysis of that link. And kudos to Moffat, Martin Freeman and (especially) Benedict Cumberbatch have not been playing the game. I don't think Elementary is a particularly good show, but not because Moffat & Co. "own" Sherlock Holmes — they don't any more than the ex-Mr.…
Everyone I know who's seen Cloud Atlas has said you need to see it on the biggest screen possible — and that's about the only consensus. Wow, it sure sounds like one of those flicks you love passionately or hate with the force of a million suns. :)
Why? I'm sure this is geek blasphemy, but the reviews I read before seeing The Dark Knight Rises were universally orgasmic and the film was still (IMO & YMMV) a self-indulgent, pretentious bore. Personally, I enjoy insanely ambitious films that don't work on every level — but you're still thinking (and arguing)…
particularly in terms of the racist/sexist crap that came up with regard to Lucy Liu playing Watson
Why the hell does US tv do these skip weeks or whatever they're called.
Ah, thanks for the clarification!
but the overall tone from the reader's perspective seems more comic than horror
108 minutes - but Jackson was a co-producer on that. Neill Blomkamp wrote and directed an expansion of a five minute short on a pretty tight budget and schedule. Personally, I'd like to see Peter Jackson back under similar restrictions but doubt he ever will unless The Hobbit tanks. Which is exceedingly unlikely.
Pshaw... we all know Drew Goddard just fetches the Holy One's coffee and sensually massages the sacred feet. :)
Hell, I'd have tuned in just to see Eddie Izzard impersonate Malcolm McDowell at his most avuncularly bat-shit every week. :)
Your point about no one ever saying "no" to Jackson is so true.
I don't mind a long movie, if the story calls for it