It's a thematic one - where co-writers Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg wring affectionately satirical variations on popular movie genres — zombie horror flicks, buddy cop flicks and (I guess) sci-fi apocalyptic disaster flicks.
It's a thematic one - where co-writers Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg wring affectionately satirical variations on popular movie genres — zombie horror flicks, buddy cop flicks and (I guess) sci-fi apocalyptic disaster flicks.
So which one's the witch? I need a flow chart to keep this straight, so to speak...
Chez Hannibal!
Unless you're planning to serve your children with orange sauce, after turning their livers into pate, I don't think you have to worry about that. Promise. Seriously.
I would like BBT more if there were much less of Leonard, Howard and Rajh and more more of Sheldon.
Creatively speaking, The Walking Dead is seriously in trouble and think Cyriaque would be the first to do Numfar's happy dance if it turned out to be a sophomore slump instead of the first stage of a death watch. I'm cautiously optimistic...
I never much of a problem with deviating from the comics — hello? Daryl! My big problem what that "OMFG? where's Sophia at?" was an only slightly interesting idea terribly executed. And, yeah, I think situational idiocy is too convenient a go-to for TWD. Lori got 90% of the internet hate on that score, but I just…
I'd love a mocking or satirical Daisies-esque take on it, but I suppose it is out of the question.
That said, I'm probably going to be glued to Hannibal just for Mads Mikkelsen. He does hypnotically creepy like nobody's business.
Oh, so do I. I'd like to make the writer's room on Revolution watch Ellen Muth's performance as Georgia for (desperately needed) pointers on how to write a "bratty teenager" you don't constantly want to throw down a well. There's so much to like about Dead Like Me I can't quite put my finger on what fundamentally…
It's a shame, since the trailer is filled with Fuller's visual magic.
Hitchcock re-made 1934's The Man Who Knew Too Much in 1956 - both damn good, but if I had to express a preference I'd narrowly give pole position to Jimmy Stewart & Doris Day.
I'm cautiously optimistic because, damn... there's some serious (female) talent involved here. And let's face it, there's no possible way this could be a bigger blot on Julianne Moore's record that the entirely pointless Psycho re-shoot. (Really, Gus, what the fuck were you thinking?)
And I have to admit if Bruce Campbell said skinny dipping in a hot tub full of plague-bearing leaches was great fun, I'd probably do it. Once. :)
How involved is King with the picture? According to Kevin Misher, not really at all. Apparently King has a "hands off" policy.
But in marketing speak, where's the point of difference from what's already in the hardly under-stocked marketplace? Ramping up the gore and grain didn't make Rob Zombie's dire Halloween re-makes any easier to watch.
Fair enough, but "light" doesn't always equal good either. Know what I really fraking HATE about waaay too much TV Trek? The idea that "optimism" and "humanism" means you can constantly deploy the solid handwavium reset button so nothing even remotely unpleasant ever had lasting consequences.
You crazy! But you're not... STOP IT! :)
Oh and finally, it's not funny. That's not the vibe this remake is going for. There was no camera winking, no sassy line delivery, just flesh slicing.
Oh, and did they never tell Brian about his first grandchild, River? Regenerations considered, she's almost surely older than he is too.