The only thing that would have made this more tear-inducingly awesome. If that letter had been delivered by River. "Hello, Grand-dad. Let's go meet my brother."
The only thing that would have made this more tear-inducingly awesome. If that letter had been delivered by River. "Hello, Grand-dad. Let's go meet my brother."
1) I did.
I think Martin did express an opinion - it was just a tad more diplomatic than "I haven't seen the pilot, but it sounds like nothing even remotely related to the show of the same name I was involved with." OTOH, "Don't know, don't give a shit" would have said much the same.
Yeah, and Snoop Dogg had to cancel a tour in Australia a couple of years back because he was denied a visa over a weapons conviction that had a penalty of three years probation - not one day of jail time. (A string of drug possession convictions weren't that helpful either.) Guess having a gun in your glove…
Can I keep pretending that episode never happened - because a potentially interesting premise like that should never be such a hot hell mess.
Fair point, well made - but it's a curse that, generally speaking, doesn't waste any time when it come to characters with Double-X chromosomes. :)
I'm going to hang fire on getting too invested in Kevin's Mom, until she's managed to stay around for more than three episodes in a row (and still has a pulse at the end) — because that's kind of Supernatural's thing where bad ass women are concerned. Unless you're an evil soul-sucking demon hell-bitch, in which case…
I actually agree with you. Alfred Hitchcock was right: A properly primed audience can conjure up more horrors than any film-maker could possibly imagine. And for my money, the pilot of Twin Peaks had more genuine horror and, yes, even sexual heat (Audrey Horne's saddle shoes! Meow!) than AHS mustered in a whole…
Point taken. I'm still going to drop the traditional festive cauldron of boiling offal on any child who knocks on my door in a Freddy Kruger costume. (I promised the judge and my probation officer no more bear traps on the lawn.)
Oh, Christopher Lee - so much awesome spread out over so much heinous shit even you couldn't elevate.
And now it means "Porno". Or in some cases "Gore Porn".
To be blunt, I think both Gillard and Abbott would do Australian politics and society a favour if they put as much energy into taking out the sexist trash in their own ranks (and Gillard should be intimately aware who the ALP misogynists are, they trash her and other women loudly enough) as they do sniping at each…
Oh, I'm sure she was sincerely - and totally righteously - rage on. I'd have belted that smug fuck Abbott in the chops a looong time ago, which is one of a billion reasons why my political career is never going to happen. :)
Technically, I'm not sure these costumes should be worn for any other purpose than 1) heckling Mitt Romney, or, 2) telling the world "Television was my escape from my epically weird and dysfunctional family. And this is much cheaper than therapy my shitty health cover won't pay for."
Nobody noticed?
Yeah, I think it really is that simple - and cynical and oppotunistic. If the election had turned out slightly differently and his occupancy of The Lodge was heavily dependant on Slipper's vote, I'm damn certain Abbot's outrage would have been so muted only dogs could hear it. Nor am I particularly confident his…
And elsewhere the same day, the Gillard Government passes "welfare reforms" that (surprise!), cut women the deepest and nobody noticed or much cared...
What nice try? It's a matter of public record who voted with to leave the guy in place who referred to a Member as a "stupid bitch", and was happy to bombard a staffer with misogynistic swill that read like it had been copied off a locker room wall. Not nice at all, and as it turned out futile.
F* off, Craig. If you're a fan of the Mad Monk, you don't care about sexism either, and in fact you support it.
But his biggest inspiration was a 1985 Dario Argento movie called Phenomena.