
The article did take that direction.

Well then read the replies further, perhaps you do not fully understand the nature of the reply.

You can not possible be surprised? Much like when the guy claiming to be your best friend enabling a long line of douche bags by being the shoulder to cry on, suddenly proclaims his undying love for you?

And really you should get a separate article here that explains the meaning of the word misogyny : dislike of,

Incorrect assertion, see previous reply. A woman should always challenge you, but to say the current detant is honest would be a lie.

We have all seen a rom com we would rather not watch, we have all put up with dialogue we would rather not have had, we do many things in the name of procreation, why not be honest

Correct, a women should always challenge you on every level.

Humour... and no it really is not:

dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

I rather like women, my mother was one that helps. My better half is a women, she smells nice, and is made of awesome.

"The idea that men make any of their decisions to make romantic commitments based on how accessible masturbatory visual aids are is almost inherently misogynistic."

Men, have always made their decisions on the basis of access to sexual gratification. To quote the great thinker RWJ

I thought sky fall brought things of age.

Worth an article of its own.

How many giz writers does it take to....

Now playing

The nice things about IsoPods is actually nothing its all nightmare fuel:

Woodlice in the genus Armadillidium can roll up into an almost perfect sphere as a defensive mechanism, hence some of the common names such as pill bug or roly-poly.

Somewhere in the middle of this a hacker was sitting fapping to all the access and the fresh botnet he created.

Agreed, the sheer sales number prove that it was deliberately not taken for the list. Because it is mathematically impossible to have this list by sheer basic extrapolation.

Only Hipsters use Gif's and thus besides the shitty attempts at CG work, this is a fake, and gets extra minus points for being delivered in douche bag format.

Agreed to many alt.nutcase nuts have over hyped coconut water, although it is funny to watch them run to the toilet to poop them selves into oblivion when they drink too much, Thanks for the piece. We have enough fadtards pushing dangerous and stupid health advice, having someone post reason is good.

If you were a hot female geek I would marry you right now just on the basis of that comment.

To add I have found hipsters and people who claim to be vegan on the internet (an animal rich product) can be cured by applying fire to them, when the screaming stops, they are usually cured.

You only noticed this now? The problem is you are holding it wrong. With Apple it is always a giant FU to their consumers.