
I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.

In America the TV frequencies are belong to the public which is why all the ratings, FCC shit and things like educational requirements apply to the broadcast network and not to cable. The thing that should be interesting is to what degree will the cost of this service reflect that it relies on a publicly owned


Well yeah of course rich people are gonna be the passengers. When’s the last time a poor helped put a rocket into space?

Hi Eve, well I work on the development team that is actually creating this project and I spent a significant amount of time creating what I believe to be a transformative program for the NYC tech community. Our team also worked hard designing the building (along with our architecture team at Davis Brody Bond) and most

“The IOC regrets to announce that we are recalling all medals from the 2020 Tokyo games that were made from recycled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones”

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

...or a wet fart

So, you’re saying hate speech is acceptable as long as the person is running for President, and people shouldn’t be getting upset about it?

Babylon5 is the apotheosis of that last category. Well written, sometimes campy, but when it hit it hit HARD

Jill Stein people are always so angry.

This has nothing to do with Hillary, but to extend your analogy. Hillary = Apple: More of The Same. Trump = Note 7: New Look, Explosion and We All Die in a Fire. It burns! It burns!

Sorry I really don’t see the problem with this.... If there is an issue can someone please explain it to me.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

I think it says plenty. Just nothing good.

It says plenty; he’s a turncoat.

When I worked at EA I was considerably older than nearly everyone else in the department, and certainly the oldest of my peers. In the majority of cases, I was literally old enough to be their father.

If it’s been over 4 hours and your wood still hasn’t bent, consult a doctor.

I seriously had to check if I still on Gizmodo. Who is going to be the first person to explain why this article fits and I'm being narrow minded?

“And while the company took in $150 million in revenue – partially based on Model 3 order deposits – it spent $295 million on customer service, increasing production capacity”