
I am just wondering what all the hipsters who buy iphones must have thought when their god Apple bathed them in Grandpa Rock.

Right now in multi player there are guys who through investment of time, are more or less unstoppable gods, all of them can kill me with one shot with any gun. Most can take 3 bursts and a grenade and I would not have scratched their health and only 70% of armour.

So pretty much the message it clear spend major time,

I know everyone was joking that the iphone 6 would be an S4 clone, but with those specs I think someone is taking the piss. I hope that is not true.

A hideous first website I did for an ISP, when I was 18, which was a billion years ago. Well around 17 years.

Hipsters of the world rejoice, tools to make the internet worse are here for the taking. GIF everything! Do it now, do it in skinny jeans, and sailor tattoos, and Colin Farrel douche knit caps. Tools for those coming soon too.

Added domain to spam and malware submissions.

Well it is why Perez Hilton got famous with no perceivable talent.

Just out of interest you could just run all these OS'es in a VMware or other virtual machine.

You would use a service daemon like Samba to connect to the share, mount it and then access it. As a primary OS it has little value you are better with a Mac or windows. As a server environ its not terrible.

Virtual Desktops thing would be more like Multiple desktops you could switch to like you task switch apps.

^^^ Epic Comment is Epic.

Best comment of the day.

This is one of those, it seemed like a novel idea at the time, lets try it moments, that in the end, they were like, yeah maybe we should not come up with novel ideas when we are stoned. Oh well too late to unfuck this lets smoke another joint.

I shall call it my squishy...

What I love about hipster music, is that it absolutely keeps raising the bar of what crap sounds like. Every time I think it cant get worse, I am surprised, and I honestly do like being surprised.

most likely its vision

You elaborated my point entirely, that level of concentrated douche is always malicious or cancerous. Weev and hipsters both.

Basically if hipsters could hack they would be weev.