Craig Becker

Beats me why it’s not on this list. But yes! S03 of _Love, Death + Robots_ was released yesterday. And it’s absolutely worth watching. I think it’s the best season so far. There’s still a lot of random violence and mayhem, but more emphasis on ‘story’. I especially liked the extremely faithful adaptation of Bruce

One thing I noticed: the DEVS finale shares a number similar themes with Westworld S03E05.

I’m still processing this final episode. I can’t say I was completely happy with it, but I’m glad it didn’t just outright suck.

Good, but emotionally wrenching episode: losing Jamie and Lyndon was disturbing, to say the least. My one hope is that somehow Lyndon really does manage to survive via some quirk of Many Worlds.

Just me, but I’m getting tired of all the criticism about the acting in this show. I worked in a high-tech corporate environment for 33 years, and Lily, Jen, Sergei, Jamie, Forest, Katie - they all ring absolutely true to my ears. (And, as much as I love ‘em, Stewart and Lyndon are the most unrealistic developers in

There’s a Ted Chiang (very) short story at that speculates about what happens to people when they realize that they lack free will. I hadn’t thought of The End Of The World, but ... maybe so? It also might explain Stewart’s comments about politics.

The giant statue of Amaya seems like a fairly direct grab from the works of Simon Stälenhag.

I’m going to guess that this might be a (very tentative and very basic) attempt to compete with GameLoft’s _Asphalt 9_? Note the similar simplified control scheme. _A9_ offers 8 player multiplayer racing (and for a short time they offered one-on-one “duel” mode competition, which was fun but would probably get old).

A good list, but it would be better if it included <I>Sound of My Voice</I>, <I>Another Earth</I>, and <I>Miracle Mile</I>.

Yes, I don’t know if they’ll run with it, but when Axe and Chuck were plotting together, I was waiting for one of them to ask “So, remind me why we hate each other so badly?” Because if they worked together instead of spending all of their time screwing each other over, they could accomplish some pretty serious shit.

I thought this was an interesting episode. We’re supposed to know, at some level, that Axe and Chuck and others are not saints. In the past, the various stunts they pulled usually made them appear to be clever rascals. But in this episode, Axe and Chuck and Wendy pretty much relied upon being complete bastards in

I guess I’m not proud of it, but I have some dark fondness for stories where the main character finds themself in trouble, and can’t seem to do anything but dig themselves in deeper and deeper. “Crocodile” is a shining instance of this sort of thing: as the body count grows, so does the depth of her depravity.

Agreed! She was literally “outstanding.”

I agree 100%! The technologies in a given episode of _Black Mirror_ aren’t new ideas. But that’s okay: what I look for in _Black Mirror_ is what I look for in science fiction in general: good storytelling, good world-building, good actors, and fresh and interesting speculation about where some technology may take us.

I felt this was one of the stronger episodes - in fact, if Rolo’s narration were a bit more restrained, I think I could enjoy a _Black Museum_ television show (effectively a more modern _Night Gallery_). Surely I wasn’t the only person left wondering about all of the other exhibits?

I’m not sure why “The Waldo Moment” gets so little love. I think it is perhaps the most prescient of all _Black Mirror_ episodes so far.

I have a fondness for narratives that place the character(s) in some Strange Reality, leaving me mystified until The Big Reveal at the end.

I really don’t want to say “you need to be a parent to really get this episode”, but - we’ll, let’s just say it helps a lot. This episode contained a lot of little things that are, I think, common parental experiences: “losing a child” for a short period of time (happened to each of my kids at least once; it was