
Having struggled with depression myself — let's just say that it's still the hardest fucking thing in the world for me not to make a direct leap from "after watching the show I came straight home and am commenting on an AV Club thread at 10:30 p.m. on a Friday night" to "I am the ugliest man in the world and I will

In other words, you're comparing S7's end result to S9's process of getting to an end result that we haven't arrived at yet. I'm talking about process to process — even if the end was tainted by the criminal absence of Katya from the Top 3, her presence made the first eight weeks of that season more enjoyable than the

If by "the room" you mean Carson and Michelle during the filming segments, then Carson was pretty clear that he was laughing at Nina and Tina for how bad it was, not because it was funny in any of the desirable ways. If you mean some other room that I'm not privy to, though, then I can't speak to that.

Re Lisa Robertson: I am Canadian, so not only did I get the poet on a Google search, the poet was already interfering with my train of thought even before I Googled.

S7 was definitely underwhelming overall, but at least there was Katya. This season has more queens that I like than S7 did, but there's not one that I love with anything like the same depth of "YAAAAAAAS QUEEN BRING ME LIFE" passion that I got from Madame Zamolodchikova.

To be fair, when it came to Katya's Krisis Kontrol, I don't think the dude from Shark Tank was wrong about the product idea per se — he just didn't take into account (or probably even know much about) Katya's comedy chops. From a raw "analysis of the product" perspective he actually had a valid point — its genius

Reasons I'm glad to be Canadian, #45998

The thing about AS2 is that the whole "winner of the lipsync decides who goes home" thing had a touch of Alyssian rigga morris about it.

They didn't openly address it on the show itself, but it's since been revealed that she had a cracked rib from the same cheerleading challenge that took out Eureka's knee.

I came away from Untucked with the distinct impression that she blanked under pressure, rather than not even trying to learn the song.

Exactly. There's a local queen round my parts who's notorious for not actually knowing the words to most songs or really being able to lipsync for beans — she actually gets over entirely on the fact that she's in her 80s (for real), and so the fact that she's still doing drag at all is fierce enough in and of itself.

It's possible that they still did mini-challenges, but just aren't actually showing them in most episodes for some weird reason.

It would be Jarreaux or Jarreaus, because both parts of the phrase are nouns and neither is an adjective.

Now there's the new spin on Anne we all need: Anne of the Walking Dead!

Same problem here. The 1985 miniseries was just so…perfect. And I just can't with the title of this version, either.

Katya is one of the quickest improvisational comedians the show has ever had, though. She could easily have found a clever way to respond to the lick, such as by leaning harder into the faux-lesbian-erotica vibes of the T.A.T.U. videos that you just know played a role in developing her drag persona in the first place

I'm wondering at this point if at least some of her history with the drag community in Atlanta wasn't her own doing — as in she burned her own bridges by getting defensive and hostile with queens who liked her at first.

Hell, I'm old enough to have already been too old for 90210!

2. I was getting Jennifer Coolidge realness from Trinity too. I even said that to my friends before Ru said it on the show.

A friend of mine actually dragged me two weeks ago for quoting that exact lyric in a Facebook messenger thread, because he somehow interpreted it as me being whiny and negative.