
Actually Dick Sunshine was Craig Norris

Actually she did, it just didn't make it into the final episode edit for some reason. Somebody linked to a YouTube clip of the outtake earlier in the discussion thread (it's the same clip as the India Ferrah/Mimi Imfurst United Airlines gag.)

I think there's a major risk of "Night of 1000 Chers" turning into the Cher version of Kimonogate: multiple interpretations of the Oscar outfit, or the dental floss-and-gauze swimsuit from "If I Could Turn Back Time",

I'm with Blaffair and Ludic. Not once in the entire season did I see this "chip on her shoulder" that you claim, or this "speaking down to everyone in a saccharine sweet holier than thou voice". I don't know where you got that from, because I watched the same show you did and got none of that.

I kind of expect a certain amount of bitchy mean-girl ego drama from drag queens — it comes with the territory, needless to say — but yeah, there's definitely a line beyond which it becomes too much to take.

The way I look at it, we have to allow LGBTQ representations on TV or in film, whether real or fictional, to have flaws. Idealized, one-dimensional Mary Sues don't do us no favours.

I always preferred to discuss RPDR here rather than Reddit (though I do still check Reddit for the spoilers), but I really put my finger on why last year when Alaska had her "I fucked up, I'll give you $10,000 on PayPal" meltdown: the discussion here was along the lines of "gurrrrrrrrrrrl, getting defensive's not a

That's the queer relationship with TV in a nutshell. We want to see queer representation, but when we get it we just argue about whether it really represents meeeeeeee! or not.

Because it's not about parodying women — do you think any real woman ever actually went through life looking like, say, Divine? — it's about expressing solidarity with women by playing an intentionally over-the-top caricature in order to subvert the gender role stereotypes that society tries to place men and women

Drag football!

Yeah. I mean, I actually know very few people who I could honestly characterize as being a "stereotypical" gay at all. Even the ones who are stereotypical in some ways are not stereotypical in others; I know "flaming" guys who like football, and "macho" guys who haven't bought a CD of new music since Taylor Dayne's

I'd say I also tend to get a boner for cunning linguists, but that's likely to be taken in an entirely unintended way.

Katya most certainly did speak up about the social media attacks on Kennedy, and her fans weren't even the primary perpetrators of it: it was primarily the Pearl, Violet and Fame stans, as Donna correctly points out below.

Yep. At 23 I could go three days on almost no sleep if I had to. Now, at 45? Not a chance in hell.

Chaps can also be worn with just a jockstrap, so that the frontjunk is covered but the trunkjunk is flying free. That's the distinction that is supposed to be communicated by adding "assless" in front of "chaps", although I'll grant that some people don't understand or follow that and just redundantly call all chaps

I suspect VH1 nixed that as too risqué, and that it would have made it to air if the series were still just on Logo.

Outside of the Top 3, who basically can't be chosen MC, I don't see who else that season came away from it with a stronger reputation. (Alyssa's beloved now, but she didn't get that from S5 — she got it from what she did after S5 culminating in AS2.) I'll grant Ivy hasn't sustained her reputation very well since S5,

Yeah, I agree that Miss Cucu actually got MC for being congenial, rather than for being a Fan Favourite as such (which she very much was not.)

Liechtenstein might

Yep. She definitely didn't even come close to giving that everything she's got.