
I still to this day pretend that Katya was the real winner of S7


I think you're right. A lot of people probably view the especially memorable Snatch Game moments through rose coloured glasses, and ignore just how uneven it always really is.

I remember reading an interview last year with one of the other queens (don't remember who, sorry) who claimed that Derrick was actually a lot funnier in Snatch Game than the abbreviated version we saw. Don't know what to do with that, but…

She did seem to try to tongue pop once, but it didn't land.

Anti-apartheid resistance was not always necessarily non-violent. (Google "Umkhonto we Sizwe", for starters…and I think you'll be gobsmacked at who was one of the founders of Umkhonto we Sizwe, too. Let's just say Rivonia wasn't for nothing, and leave it at that.)

Oh, so I just imagined the Chechnya rally I was at four days ago?

Have we all forgotten that apartheid South Africa structured itself on the fiction that the bantustans (Bophuthatswana, Venda, Transkei, Ciskei, etc.) weren't part of South Africa, and thus South Africa had no responsibility to do anything about their lack of economic or political stability?

Pit Crew mmmmmmrowwwwrrrrrrrrrr

Cynthia's lucky as shit too, because her LSYFL performance was no great shakes either. I actually wobbled back and forth on which one was doing worse, and the possibility of a double elimination crossed my mind.

No worries. I have that "who in Jesus Christ's jockstrap are these people?" reaction to most pop stars who show up on TV these days too.

Ugh. I'm already glad I don't even have the option of watching whatever this monstrosity of a show is, and I know nothing of it beyond what you three have just said here.

To be fair, there's also the Ginger Minj route, of just landing as a totally bland non-entity the second time around.

Well, we actually once made him do a charity boxing match with a senator. (I'm not kidding, this really happened.) So it's not like your plan would be all that far off from what we've already done to him…

(Pssssst, fellow Canadians, don't tell these two about our attractive, intelligent, progressive and non-orange national leader…I think it might tip them over the edge into declaring war!)

I Can't Believe It's Not Boy Butter

She sang that "All About That Bass" song that was mystifyingly popular a couple of years ago. I have no idea if she's still a thing since then, nor do I want to know.

To be fair, I am familiar with a couple of queens who know how to give a compelling performance while standing pretty much in one spot and not really moving around. But they do it to diva ballads, not Britney Spears, and one of them is 86 years old (and I'm not throwing "gurl you so old" shade, she really was born in

At the bar where I was watching, several people shouted out a loud "oh no! bring her back!" when she revealed that.

I'm bald and all my dreams have died, and I could still do better than that mess.