
I was hoping that the dog would stick around as his regular sidekick.

And some of them are adjectives, too.

But are you a cunning linguist?

I'm having a much easier time remembering Alexis from the talking heads (because he sure is an attractive boy) than I am from the actual challenges.

Not that I'm supporting Kendall Jenner or anything, but based on everything we know about her and her family do you really think she has the critical thinking skills necessary to foresee that she was walking into a shit show?

To be fair, if she were holding it normally we wouldn't actually see that all-important logo to tell us that it was Pepsi saving the world…

Not only do I not agree that RPDR contestants have always been fishy with no overt genderbending ever happening on the runway, I can recall at least two instances where genderfuckery was built right into the challenge: bearded lady, and a challenge where they had to be male on one half of their body and female on the

I'm with you on that. Everybody was all gooey over Pearl and I just didn't see the appeal at all. I'm just not into grown men who look like 12-year-old boys.

I noticed that too…agreed, it suits him.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be Canadian (especially now), but I'm disappointed that you're getting Nasty Pig and we're just getting Boy Butter again.

And boy howdy was Gwyneth Paltrow the wrong best actress choice compared to Cate Blanchett…

Technically yes, but it still never actually went away.

It did say Emma Stone. That's why he was confused and delayed reading it.

I know this makes me a total weirdo — wouldn't be the first time — but my choice that year was actually Elizabeth, at least of the actual nominees (there were other movies I thought more deserving of the award that weren't even nominated.)

You watch these damn blasted awards year after year hoping that this exact thing is going to happen, and it never does. Then the one year you decide to ignore the whole damn thing and go out dancing instead…

I was just saying the other day, as awful as Bush was even having him back would actually be a welcome reprieve from this shit.

I'll watch anything with Timothy Olyphant. Pot and neighbours are just bonus.

As a Canadian, I welcome you

There's no standard form of the acronym per se — certainly L-first is the most common these days, but there's no "authority" that can dictate what's "correct" and what's "wrong". Both L-first and G-first exist, and there are even variants out there that put B or T first. (I've never actually seen Q-first, however —

The filmmakers have been hounded into submission, clearly.