
I don't believe for a second that Brett Jacobsen even watches or cares about this show at all — he's never posted to an RPDR thread on here before, and his edit history otherwise doesn't suggest an interest in anything related to it either. His comment just seems to be a misguided crusade against anybody ever

I'm much the same way. Even though it was undeniable that Alaska more or less killed it the whole season, and my brain knew that she was clearly going to win, my heart was still #teamkatya even if it was harder to see how she could pull it off without ever actually having won a single lipsync.

80 per cent of the entire music industry would be out of a job if we gay men didn't generally settle for crap when it comes to music…

Agreed. She definitely comes off much more likeable and mature now. She's overdue to leave this competition, for sure, but I'd absolutely go see her show if she came to town, and maybe even hang out for a while if I had the chance…and I would never have said either of those things about her after S5.

Count on it

It definitely bunged up somewhat in the middle, but it appears to have been correct at both ends about the most important stuff.

I was trying to find a way to say exactly that, so thanks.

I'm by no means a fan of Steve Grand, but nearly all current mainstream country music is just insipid 1970s soft-rock done up in Nashville drag instead of Laurel Canyon drag. So I'm not sure Steve Grand deserves to be singled out as the worst thing to happen in all of music history, especially not so long as Justin

Also, I just rewatched the clip and "the new star of Kinky Boots on Broadway" was said while the camera was on Todrick, not on Ru. So even later overdubbing isn't actually out of the question.

Broadway shows, especially long-running ones, always have to have casting and recasting on the go behind the scenes. Actors in the production are going to drop out or move on, and the replacement actors have to have time to learn and rehearse the role before coming in. So it's not at all unexpected that Todrick Hall

Actually…yeah, it kind of is!

I wish I could help, but I'm an old fart who was in university in the early 1990s, so I wasn't paying much attention to kids' shows…

Sometimes still is, if you've ever bothered to watch CTV's laughable replacement for "Canada AM".

And funny to see that for all the change that part of Yonge Street has undergone, there's Pizza Pizza and the Big Slice, right where they still are today.

Scott Thompson would be brilliant

I'd also argue that Alaska has been shown to really struggle with the elimination decisions, because she really does care about and have affection for the other girls, and she's stuck to the "judge's critiques" script. So I don't think she necessarily wanted Alyssa to go last week — I just watched the clip again and

For that alone, I think Alaska has at least a decent chance of walking away with both the crown and Miss Congeniality.

Yeah, I was rolling my eyes at "only one person thinks that"…dude, not only one person thinks that or Coco wouldn't have said it.

Conversely, if she did hit bottom (which I find unimaginable), I can also imagine some queens taking the chance to wipe out the strongest competitor. But yes, she's been truly killing it hardcore.

Oh, brother. S7 was boring, apart from Katya (and Ginger at first, until she went full bitter shady bitch.) S8 was so fantastically better it isn't even funny how wrong those people are.