
Yeah, you may be right. Her inner saboteur doesn't seem to be trading in panic attacks anymore — but it's definitely still in there, undercutting her in subtler and quieter ways.

And why on earth, Phi Phi, would you try to convince Tatianna to keep you by badmouthing Detox, when Detox isn't even who you're up against in the bottom?

Only in limited amounts, involving very basic choreography that would in no way require him to have the ability to dance at a So You Think You Can Dance or a "LSFYL on RPDR against Alyssa Edwards" sort of level. Seymour has to move his feet a little bit — he doesn't have to death drop like a diva or pop-and-lock like

Yeah, I'm surprised too, but she's not excelling this year in anything like the same way she did in S7. I'm beginning to think she's like Ginger, in that their season was so weak overall that even just "better than average" was enough to land as the cream of the crop — but it doesn't work as well when you're up

Performing in musical theatre doesn't automatically mean being able to dance well — lots of theatre roles don't require much (or any) dancing. His stage credits, for example, include a production of "Little Shop of Horrors"…as Seymour, a role where dancing isn't really all that high on the list of requirements since

Even if she's not always the booksmartest person I've ever seen on TV, she's definitely smart in the senses of knowing herself and her brand, and being able to read the politics of the room.

I wish I'd had that phrase at my disposal when I was on a non-profit board of directors ten years ago…

You know, for two queens who both came on this season looking for the rudemption edit after having been the villains of their respective seasons, it's interesting how differently that's played out for Phi Phi compared to Roxxxy.

I grew up in a city where back in the 1980s we could only get Global on cable and didn't yet have it OTA, but my parents didn't have cable — so when I had the chance to stay over at my grandmother's house for the weekend, I'd end up staying up all night watching random stuff on TV just because I could: Saturday Night

This is back when Global was still just the one station in Toronto and hadn't gone national yet.

Several queens agreed to base their eliminations on the judges' critiques, yes. Alyssa was not one of them, and is under no obligation to follow a rule she never pledged to follow to in the first place.

Bendela apparently gave a recent newspaper interview in which she pretty much implied that she was asked and declined, because she hates the manipulative aspects of it all.

Just to clarify in the event that anybody who is looking for the spoilers goes to reddit to find them, there are two slightly different versions floating around there of what Alaska's ex actually said — one version has him already wrong about at least one elimination (a queen who's still with us was claimed as leaving

Oliver, could you please update your review to correct the Sharon Needles/Willam thing? Having to constantly read people post that correction because they either don't realize or don't care that 700 million other people already corrected the record before them is getting annoying.

Hairstyle and outfit, absolutely. I'd argue that a lot of people don't have such an instinctive mental image of her face itself, though — I agree with PuppiesRbest that most people's mental image of Eva Peron has been influenced somewhat by actresses doing Evita.

And René and Nathalie Simard!

I'm from Sudbury and knew several Daves…

Actually, the song was never meant as a dis against Kingston — it was meant as a dis against the kind of person who thinks he's better than everybody else around him because they're smalltown "hicks" but he's "special".

I think to an extent they modeled this tour on what Spirit of the West did in their wind-down after John Mann was diagnosed with Alzheimer's — John stopped playing instruments and concentrated solely on the singing, with an iPad mounted on the mic stand as a teleprompter in case he had a lyric lapse, and Geoff Kelly

I enjoyed Steve Patterson's tweet about it, something to the effect of "Canadians who'd rather be watching the Tragically Hip tonight than Blue Rodeo: all of them, including the guys in Blue Rodeo."