
Well, John K. Samson is still doing his thing as a solo artist (new album coming out in a couple of months), and depending on how Gord's health holds out we could very well still see another Hip album or two (and maybe even the occasional standalone concert, just probably not any more large-scale national touring.) So

As long as there isn't a trace of mint wafting in from the north, you'll be fine.

Canadian chapters of BLM do include FN issues in their actions. Plus it actually was our BLM for a while, if you think back a couple of years to Idle No More.

To be fair, a big part of the issue is that once you get out of the big cities, the Second Cups and Starbucks and Lavazzas disappear — so in large parts of the country, if you want to buy a coffee your choices are Tim Hortons or nothing.

First concert I've ever seen on TV where I felt the need to check whether somebody had uploaded the video to BitTorrent afterward. (For the record, somebody did.)

David Bowie would also have generated something very like this if he'd announced he was dying and undertaken a "farewell" tour. And Paul McCartney.

I wouldn't say it's more prevalent in Ontario, no, but it does play out a bit differently in different provinces. Manitoba and Saskatchewan have bigger problems with police racism against FNs in the towns and cities (police officers taking drunk "indians" out of the city limits and dropping them somewhere in the

I spent so much of the concert trying to think of a particularly picturesque way to phrase how bloody tight and on point they all were. Not surprising, of course, given that they've been playing together for 30 years without a personnel change — but very much worthy of note.

Sarah Harmer…another one to add to the list of utterly brilliant, fantastic Canadian musicians that the Americans miss out on because they're too busy thinking we're all Nickelback and Bieber.

It's a generational thing. I certainly never had any peers named Gordon either, but my dad did.

A lot of the same problems you guys have in your Native American communities; there just seems to be a lot more willingness in Canada to actually hear the issues in recent years (though not nearly enough is actually being done about it yet.)

To be marginally fair to Celine Dion, the woman actually is much more tolerable when she's singing in French. I've always suspected that when she's doing English material she hands off a lot more authority over song selection to the producers, and then just oversings what she's given due to not having as instinctive a

I suspect Scott was disagreeing with you about the acceptability of cheese, rather than the donerness of a donair.

I lost it three times: "Fiddler's Green", "Bobcaygeon" and the end.

Seconding Alejandra Ribera. So good.

I did, once, back when microbrew was still a relatively new thing and there weren't that many to choose from yet besides Sleeman and Upper Canada. I moved on; my beer of choice is now Mill Street Tankhouse Ale.

Hey, some of us lonely middle-aged introverts are too poor to buy vinyl records!

I'm going to put my lot in with the couple of commenters who've noted that what happened in 1996 isn't that the "alternative" genre died per se — sure, its commercial/mainstream push hit a wall, I won't deny that, but that's not the same thing as dying out. Just looking at some of what happened in 1997 in my MusicBee

"Overcome". Truly horrid piece of shit that got adopted as a post-9/11 anthem (even though it was actually recorded before.)

Richey Edwards from Manic Street Preachers? The guy from Sublime?