
There was a (crappy) Canadian band called Bush in the 1970s, who still owned the rights to that name up here even though they hadn't recorded anything in years — so Rossdale's gang had to add the X. The whole thing was eventually settled with a donation to a music therapy charity.

Unfortunately, neither of those things have "opposed to the mainstream" written into the prospectus…

My first year in residence, one guy on my floor played "Ice Ice Baby" on constant repeat for at least a week straight.

Ouch, that segue burns!

I was never a big fan of either Iron Maiden or Metallica, but today I'd much rather hear them than the likes of Cage the Elephant.

I vaguely remembered the band name The Flys, but had no mental association of the song title at all. So I just YouTubed, and had an "oh, right, NOW I remember that shit" moment. You're right: mediocre at best, and (obviously for me) mostly forgettable.

Not all of them; the 1970s had its fair share of one-hit wonders and bands that couldn't keep it going for more than a few years either — the 1970s dross just didn't linger around on mainstream rock radio, so we don't remember it anymore.

I'd also add that since Munro writes short stories, her work doesn't readily lend itself to adaptation into a television series (though it has been done once, it was an anthology series that had a different cast every week — which isn't the kind of thing Netflix would be likely to sink big bucks into.)

Exactly. This is a show where the narrative logic has always allowed for people to die but then stick around as a cyborg — so I don't see why they'd need a complicated new story to keep flesh-Archer alive. Maybe if the show goes on the plan is for them to all be cyborgs by the end.

Completely idiosyncratic quirk of personal timing, more than anything. I had to take a semester off from university for personal reasons in 1993, so IME's Dig came out while I was back at home in Sudbury and constantly having it rubbed in my face because I had to settle for Q92 (the campus radio station in town was

Oh, gawd, don't even joke about that. It's bad enough that Kevin O'Leary's talking about it.

Given that I'm a gay man, I can't fully escape bad mainstream pop music the same way most people on here can — I can keep it out of my personal space by leaving my radio on the CBC instead of a commercial station, but I can't avoid having to put up with it when I want to go have a drink with my friends. So my current

My favourite SOTW experience ever: intimate in-store show at the old Sam the Record Man at Yonge and Gould, soon after the release of Star Trails. Got all their autographs on my copy of the album, nicely accompanying the Faithlift poster I have somewhere with all of their autographs on it from another show I saw back

Power's talking about a different era. Historically, it's obviously "One Gun", "One Day in Your Life", "I Go Blind" and all of the singles from Dear Dear — but I can definitely see how "Lies to Me" would survive playlist pruning into the 2000s and 2010s more easily than most of the others.

I thought he beat the inevitability of death to death just a little bit.

I'm pretty sure, for starters, that they've never performed "New Orleans Is Sinking" the same way twice. (People still secretly hope for a straight performance of the Killer Whale Tank rendition.)

He was there for the end of the Sudbury episode of The Amazing Race Canada, so I think he just might be game!

Fort McMurray

Sure. But unlike Fully Completely and Day for Night, it also contains filler songs that rank among virtually no Hip fan's favourites. I didn't say, and don't think, any of their later albums were without merit — but nothing after Day for Night is track for track perfect right across the board.

John Mann has early-onset Alzheimer's. They first announced it in 2014, but at the time he was still well enough that with a couple of strategies in place, mainly an iPad scroll of the lyrics so he could follow along if he was having trouble remembering them, he was still capable of performing and very much wanted to