
Okay, that’s addiction and you need to call it that with him (which I assume you are.) But it’s interfering with family holidays, child care, and showering??? This guy has to seek professional, hard core help. You do NOT deserve, or have to “endure” this behavior to keep your family together.

I am also someone who over values holidays but I also have a very large farm of over a 130 acres with about 800 surrounding farm land. Let me know if you need a place to hide a body. *Allegedly*

It’s been feeling less and less Christmassy for me over the years but this year has been the worst, mostly because the past couple of months have been so chaotic that I haven’t had chance to get excited, and I’ve been pretty bummed out about all sorts of things. It’s 1:30 AM on Christmas morning here and it’s just

Does anyone else struggle with it feeling like Christmas Eve rather than, say, just Thursday? I’ve got the decorations, the lights, the music, the works and yet, while it is indeed cozy and nice, it doesn’t feel like “Christmas.” Maybe this is just the cost of growing up?

It may have changed her life financially but at the cost of whatever shred of humanity she ever possessed.

You kind of said everything that needs to be said on this subject.

She’s an asshole.

Sure. And I’M the bad mom for not doing any of this crap.

The cops still came to the house to check on Isabella and found her freaking out. “She was hysterical crying, she was panicking,”

Anybody else getting a Layne Stayley vibe from Mac? This is not a good thing.

This looks awesome. Note: upon re-watching “Home Alone” with my son this year, he couldn’t believe how opulent the McCallisters’ home/neighborhood was — it’s a total time capsule of white, suburban ‘90s excess, including the casual option of flying 15 family members to Paris for the holidays. Kid-oriented movies and

Mine was a quasi-hookup, but bear with me. These dudes who lived together in a house while attending college were close-knit so they had a “post-Christmas” in February, in one of the dudes’ ranch in the countryside. I was invited by my BFF, one of the dudes’ girlfriends, and I was newly single, so I went. There was

Even in death, Joan is still the only way Melissa can find work.

Lorraine. Just give me all the Lorraine and I'm good. Forever.

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.


yep , i write texts in full sentences

OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.

I’m a woman who loves porn with rough and degrading sex. I don’t care to be judged for it, and this article and the whole Deen controversy doesn’t change my mind - it just reveals that sources I’d thought were respectful of the female performer’s boundaries are not.