
Hillary Hoffmann, a professor at the Vermont Law School, told Earther “...and the Supreme Court in a 6-3 conservative majority...”

Can it run Crysis at max settings?

Probably just as well, as we were likely to have something like this take place in the Netflix Quadrant...


of course, the trick is that anyone who disagrees with you is a RACIST.

You don’t NEED to hear anything, you can’t silence anyones ideas. With my free speech I can tell you that you’re a moron that actually believes theres nazis in America, that you actually believe pepe memes are nazi and whats even more egregious is that you think YOU’RE just like the ones who died fighting actual nazis

Lazy Millennial Hurricanes!

My favorite part of reading Kinja comments is seeing just how quickly and in what manner a commenter will inevitably make any subject matter relate to the current sitting president.

Sure would be nice to have one decent (this one wasn’t bad) article without pulling in Trump. Surely people for and against the current administration feel that way.

And for what benefit? The “convenience” of being able to pay our bills online. 

Well, that’s not necessarily true. Your body is constantly fighting off viruses and bacterial infections. Better immune systems are able to fight infections before they get worse. That is why infants and the elderly are more likely to catch infections, as their immune systems are more likely to be weak. Also why

We take calcium to prevent osteoporosis, not heart problems. And we take vitamin D3 since we, like most beyond the tropics folks, don’t get enough sunlight to make enough of our own; it, too, is for good bones (among other good things) but not directly for heart health.

I’m guessing if there are any benefits, they’re probably also counteracted by the poor diet of the average American.

Or Congress could have written a better NLRB statute.

China. India. End of discussion. It’s the same reason that most initiatives around the world designed to curb emissions won’t matter until the biggest offenders change course.

Bingo. People keep failing to recognize that the government that they are putting so much faith in to make laws against guns is the same government that FAILED TO STOP THESE KILLERS. Law enforcement was notified multiple times, multiple branches and nothing. It’s the system that failed, not the law and most definitely

No, they just refuse to do the things you want them to do, because they believe that those things won’t work. This is a problem of methodology in addressing the underlying causes of violence, not which guns look scarier and how they go bang.