2009 just called. They wanted to check to see if you needed help with...you know...staying current on things.
From an actual science site: https://www.space.com/7530-significant-amount-water-moon.html
2009 just called. They wanted to check to see if you needed help with...you know...staying current on things.
From an actual science site: https://www.space.com/7530-significant-amount-water-moon.html
I can’t be the only one who enjoyed him doing the “sword chopping bullets” reprise from Wolverine and failing spectacularly. :D
I’m glad you caught up there, sparky. Thanks for restating the point I made that your example missed. Glad you learned something today.
Indeed no and I’ll admit to mild surprise at that given how aggressively the other side likes to shout down contrary thinking to preserve their echo chamber.
From your own link: “Decades later, Bryant disclosed that, in 1955, she had fabricated testimony that Till made verbal or physical advances towards her in the store.”
Unless you were making the point that false testimony (aka: “lying” or “perjury”) counts. I mean, I guess because Emmett Till is such a frequently used…
This site doesn’t offend me. It entertains me. I rarely get the opportunity to observe the mass delusional groupthink that pervades the comments section on this site. It’s educational and sobering just bearing witness to it.
Sooo...Reddit assumes you can master the ability to pull on your own big boy pants and cultivate a thicker skin if you CHOOSE to enter a forum where you see something >gasp!< offensive?
No wonder it has the folks that frequent this site in such a tizzy. Take personal responsibility for your own reaction to something…
Would it make you feel any better if the rich paid proportionately MORE than everyone else?
...because, you know, they fucking do. It doesn’t require an Einsteinian IQ to discover that fact...just a responsible personality that cares about actually having an opinion based in fact and not your political talking points.
When you proclaim your morals as being superior to everyone else’s such that we should all be governed by them (you original post), you may have a fundamental learning disability if you think people who don’t accept that patent idiocy come off to you as “dickish”.
As for “faux intellectual”...nothing faux about it,…
And yet if you knew how the scheme worked, it eliminates loopholes, gives relief for those under a certain income line and can be made progressive via adjustment. And, as it is currently proposed, it brings in more income while eliminating an entire federal bureaucracy.
It’s not perfect but it would be a hell of a lot…
And this is why you keep finding yourself on the losing end of debates. I didn’t vote for Trump. Didn’t want him for my president any more than you did. The difference between you and me is that I recognize that there is more to life than black and white decisions. I disagree with your clear idiocy = I love Trump?…
Then can we write you down as a supporter of something like a flat tax? No deductions, no breaks just “give us X% of what you earned last year”? You’d be good with that? If not then your bleating about the issues with the current tax code is just so much meaningless graffiti.
So, your morals are now the standard by which we’ll run the country? Not the laws, regulations and such but your feelings instead?
You, sir, are the reason there IS a President Trump. People (rightfully) fear idiots like you making the political decisions so they vote for the “anti you”. If you and yours would dial…
“If it is legal, it isn’t tax evasion. You can’t legally evade taxes. You can legally lower your tax burden and if you don’t, you are a fucking idiot.”
I hate to be the guy to say this but the people who tend to support lenient sentencing and softer punishments also tend to be the people who support Planned Parenthood...and that pretty much means using a phrase like “value of life” should already be forbidden to them.
Listen, I totally get that in order to make a…
The death penalty is a punishment not a deterrent. Given recidivism rates, prison is hardly a deterrent either and yet that’s the alternative.
Bluntly put: if you intended to kill someone and do indeed kill them...you forfeit your life as well. Deterrent, punishment...call it whatever you like. If it was good enough…
Render them unconscious via whatever pharmaceutical means we currently use for surgery patients then switch the gas over to nitrogen. Big effing deal. 99% of the time the person being executed had enough IQ to figure out how to kill a human being...surely the state can figure this out.
And, personally, I don’t care how…
“Why are we still fighting against certain veterans’ groups in court? Because they are asking for more than we are able to give right now,” Trudeau said to some shouts and boos from the crowd.
They must have dug through the couch cushions for that newly located $4B because he was pretty clear they didn’t have the…
“[I]t’s almost as if a service banking on the good faith of humans isn’t a sustainable business plan”. This same revelation (to some anyway) can also be applied to a great many political ideas. Lots of things sound great on paper or in theory but way too often the theory fails to account for human nature and how…
So government really has no idea about private enterprise? This is news? The problem is that while they’d like their citizens to have access to high speed internet...that really isn’t a core concern of government in the effing first place. If there is a profit to be had from the enterprise then a company (like Comcast…