
Why would you even bother getting fancy? Take it out with a shotgun. It’s his property and he’s clearly in a rural setting so shooting a firearm is likely no issue. That he happens to hit a piece of someone else’s technology placed there via illegal (trespassing) activities shouldn’t be an issue. “Oopsie. Your camera,

“The tide has obviously turned and it’s safer to alienate a few NRA members than the majority of the American public who disapprove of the NRA’s advocacy. More and more people see the NRA as an extremist group that values unfettered access to guns over the lives of human beings.”

Tide has obviously turned? Few NRA

If anaerobic bacteria had a say here, they’d likely disagree on the need for oxygen as a mandatory prerequisite for life.

Personally, I wasn’t parsing “Earth-like” like the author was because the author did shift away from that definition toward one more like “capable of hosting anything we’d consider to be living” and

It’s not just rocky planet and habitable zone temperatures (for liquid water to exist). There is a whole host of other factors as well.

One of them is that the planet needs to have a core that generates a magnetic field capable of shielding it from cosmic radiation to a certain extent. This runs straight to news from

Well, it didn’t serve the narrative he was him ignoring that is called “Gizmodo-ing”. Facts: you don’t need them all...just these couple will do nicely.

That came across like histrionics...just sayin’.

If they were to use, you know, actual facts...sure. But all too often Gizmodo cherry picks or outright misrepresents things all to make some kind of misguided, all-the-cool-kids-are-saying-it kind of social or political point. So no, if someone can’t tell the whole story then they need to be called out for it.


In all his hand wringing, the idiot author thinks the only way our shite gets to the Moon is via human landings.

The United States alone crashed Ranger spacecraft, landed Surveyor space modules and have had other remote, robotic missions that left their whole machines, or pieces thereof, up there. That doesn’t count

I like the part where he was so racist that he received that award from the NAACP for...wait, hang on.

Come on. Expecting this site to exhibit any actual knowledge is likely a microaggression on your part. You should be ashamed with you knowledge privilege.

In your quest to try and sound like an actual writer, you allowed your zeal to equate “Silicon Valley types” with “pseudoscience, anti-government, anti-vaxxer types” mere sentences apart. I get that writing for Gizmodo requires that you don a hip, edgy, urban,

The entire point of weight training is to stress the muscle so that microtears in the muscle fibers occur. The body repairs those microtears with more fibers or larger fibers (depending on the type of fibers damaged...there are a couple different types) and, voila, you have larger muscles. If you do it right, you feel

What you describe as “barriers” are such to you because we lack the technology to circumvent them. Back when we were still living in caves I’m sure we regarded rivers as huge barriers and oceans as outright lunacy to try and cross. You have to consider that if we use the Big Bang as a starting point, we’ve had around

I noticed “grow the fuck up” and “cultivate a thicker skin” were conspicuously absent from your list.

Childish, indeed.

“Importantly, this study doesn’t tell us whether we get fitter or stronger when working out as an individual versus a group”. That’s because “fitter” and “stronger” are physical reactions to muscle use and overuse and have zero to do with whether you got muscle tissue microtears in front of others or by yourself.

I didn’t vote for her or Trump but the last thing she really wanted was to be judged on her accomplishments and merit. She had precious little of either and what she had wasn’t positive or complimentary. She played fast and loose with the rules, helped to run an influence peddling foundation, can’t believe her

Of course it does. The article was about a brand. Your comment was about the article. Jesus tapdancing Christ...what the hell ever happened to reading comprehension? Your comment was obvious and banal. Sorry someone else came along and pointed out the glaring lack of logic in it.

You’re aware there are other smartphones than iPhones, right? That do pretty much everything the new iPhone will do but for much less cost. Because the way you framed your choice, you seemed to be under the impression that you use an iPhone...or you communicate by banging two rocks together. As though there were no

I’m not sure how I could have explained the concept I was relaying any more clearly. I suppose I could use a Powerpoint presentation or some graphs or maybe just borrow a crayon and sketch it. I apologize if it wasn’t clear enough for every Gizmodo denizen.

BTW: “You’re”.

One of the things I find amusing about some people today is their unquestioned assumption that we are the smartest we’ve ever been. Take most people today, take away their cell phones, clothing, food, Uber, and loft apartments...stick them in the wild...and the vast majority will die within a relatively short time.