
Your URL still reads: “a-scientist-might-have-located-the-malaysian-airlines-f-1793092043” but that’s splitting hairs because the headline is what counts. Still, how much discussion does it really take to NOT post a clickbait headline in the first place? I should think ethical decisions ought not to involve a whole

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that local news outlets are covering the situation to a greater level of interest and detail that Rachel Maddow. Because, you know, for local events like this...relying on local news reported by people who are as likely as the viewer to be affected is probably more

This is where you fail. The issue isn’t about spirit at all. It is exactly about what the order says. Put more succinctly, your ginned up outrage ISN’T the issue. Government is conducted by laws, regulations, orders and so on. What’s written is what matters and how you feel about it is what’s immaterial and

...and you’re a great example of the reason we even have a President Trump. Enough Americans were sick and tired of governance via rumor, innuendo and “feels” over using actual facts that the guy who promised to essentially ignore foul-mouthed idiots like you got more votes than he ever should have even dreamed of

I think posting the text is important. Nobody here likely ever read the full text before now (and probably not this time either) but it’s important’s not a ban as it’s being widely misreported (and outright BS’d about here). It’s a 90 suspension to allow the INS and DHS to implement more stringent

Curious. Is there a time limit for how far back you can go to hoist someone on their own petard, comments-wise? Like there’s no difference between what he said over a year back and what he’s actually done as president? Does one matter more than the other? Because what he’s DONE isn’t a ban...just a temporary

The Fitbit app on my phone works just fine. I have yet to have found a calorie tracker that has the catalog of foods that comes with the Fitbit app. I suppose if I did have a smart scale that’s be nice to have it show up as opposed to my having to input the weight each morning and it’d be nice if they expanded the

“None of the folks I spoke to at Science Exchange or the Center for Open Science blamed malice.” And yet, while it’s clear you’re trying to head off the likely inevitible cascade of science deniers, by bringing up malice you kind of miss the point. People don’t exercise skepticism with science due to some unsavory

Right there whicha. Best money ever spent...evar.

They have appliances already that can do that. They’re called “ovens”.

So, I like to grill and I like to do slow cook barbecue (when I can find the time). My stepson and my son have learned and are learning how to do both and one of the main concepts I impart is that grilling and barbecue is about way more than just the product that comes off the heat (although it is the main goal, it’s

Did you know there are different meanings to the words “probably” and “definitely” for a reason? The FCC has been investigating this situation for years and they still can’t locate that pesky “definitely” in order to enforce the rules they have? That doesn’t seem just a mite shady to you? Keeping others on the

Or, you know, in between the breathless shrieking about fake news and then spreading this piss story about...maybe do a few moments of actual fact checking (you journalism) and discover that the entire prostitutes pissing on one another thing appears to have been made up entirely over at 4chan:

Kinda doubting they were people...

You mean organized crime and the Mafia disappeared after Prohibition was repealed? Well...damn.

Look, every society has a criminal element. That is to say that some people, no matter what, will simply break society’s rules in order to get ahead. Removing the rules doesn’t remove the just means the

It won’t matter what those probes encounter anything in 40K years because, by then, we’ll either have long since mastered interstellar travel and have retrieved these things to display as museum pieces OR we’ll have gone extinct ourselves. I’m fairly confident in the former over the latter because 40K years ago, we

That’s your final answer? Sure you don’t want to call a friend? Maybe a less insane one? I particularly like the earmarks and compromise bills going to judicial review...which, being as there is nothing unconstitutional with a compromise bill OR earmarking, would be a laughably ludicrous waste of time.

Do you people

I’m not sure you enjoy moving goalposts...but you sure are diligent about it. First it was his political party (not really his but for the sake of whatever argument you’re trying to craft, let’s assume he’s a politician as usual) and now it’s Congress and you ask what have they done since early November that makes me

What, if anything, makes you think that cutting benefits IS an executive power? Jesus...civics really needs to be taught in this country again.

LOL! Okay...