
Tough to tell if this is a healthcare problem, a legal system problem, or a society problem. Something tells me it’s all three. Is there any candidate that recognizes this besides Bernie? I’d like to think that all of our eggs don’t have to be in a single basket again.

Right, Nadal was just kind of scattered and filled in the blanks with Tigerspeak. Medvedev string of thought was a single wire that connected. Impressive display after a loss like that.

Oh right the guy who can his own and does it a lot, friend of the cook who fondles his sweaters.

Forgot about the trees and shrubs, cacti as well.

Is there videoconference available? 

Trump has no chance in 2020. Our candidates are too strong.

more people, etc

Bezos would feel that pinch.

Hey, I’m no dummy alright? I do my best to keep a narrow mind. Everyone knows that the Russians rigged the election against Hilldawg. What most don’t know though is that Hilldawg rigged the primary against Bernie. So what goes around comes around but we True Real American Patriots {TRAPs} shouldn’t pay her price.

That was an amazing match and Medvedev took the loss well. His post match on-court interview/speech was genuine, heartfelt, and meaningful. Not so much for Raffa who just did his Tiger Woods but no-speaka routine. Hoping Medvedev sticks around in the top 5 for years to come. Class act.

Oh, listen I’m not saying that some of the criticism isn’t justified. It damn well is. All I’m saying is that they’re really not budging even though the entire world is against them which is quintessentially rebellious. Not all rebels are good, but all rebels are rebels.

His face is just asymmetrical enough to seem trustworthy. Don’t take the bait.

Whoa hey, this is the kind of stuff that will make us lose. White, brown, purple, neon gold, doesn’t matter. If you support the right values then you can be on our team.

Well yeah rebels are always the most stubborn types of people. You have to be stubborn when you’re going against the grain, just look at the Sex Pistols.

OMG I will never ever understand this! Here we are trying to figure out how to not die just so we can pick up something heavy in a certain way? Like, who does this? And why? If anyone out there knows I’m super wondering. The whole thing about lifting weights just makes no sense. Ok, here I go. I’m gonna pick it up.

I think you mean:

Well, some scientists are skeptical of some vaccines, so I’m not sure you’ve really thought this one out. I tend to not be prejudice against anyone. Anyone.

I’m just saying they’re weathering some extreme criticism at the moment and they don’t show any signs of giving up. In fact, it seems to embolden them, just like rebels of yore.

It should be illegal to dye your hair and get a nosejob if you’re in congress. Sends the wrong message.

All I’m saying is that they can’t all be bad, and that given what we know about science and technology these days they’re definitely contrarian, if not classic rebels.