
The most exciting feature of 2.0 to me, as mentioned by @amadawn, is the fact that it lays the foundation for the Mac and Linux versions (to be released early next year). Launcy is the only Windows app that I miss in OS X!

@longbourne: My little hater says that Longbourne didn't even watch the video.

@TommySez: LOL...I love them for the same reason (but without the sound effects).

"Your Mood: Stressed—You have to meet a deadline without being overwhelmed." Your Meal: Beer.

@philosopher_dog: Yerba Mate has to be the most disgusting-tasting beverage I've ever drinking fresh hay mixed with cow dung (and yes, I'm talking about properly prepared, shade grown organic). To me it's perfect for the times that you're overly optimistic and need to be brought back to reality.

Actually, I discovered it 3 years ago. But it's still a great excuse to get outside!

Seems like a 2.5 update at best rather than 3.0.

@inkledoo: The orange pylon is VLC Media Player.

You need to add a "None of the above" option. I haven't seen anything in Leopard that's going to motivate me to upgrade when it comes out...I'll wait until it stabilizes before I make a purchase decision.

Apart from having the cover art of the currently playing tune always visible I don't see any other advantages to this, and a major disadvantage in the way the leftmost column limits the amount of text that can be displayed for song/artist/album titles (the column is full width by the time you list these in the

@sakade: If you're seriously sprouting mushrooms you need to have your landlord look at's potentially a health hazard.

I'm a single parent in the process of setting a terrible example for my daughter WRT cleaning and organizing. It's so bad, in fact, that it's currently near the top of my priority list to do something about. Has been for years. Along with procrastination.

My previous company switched from sick days being separate from vacation days to them being one and the same. I'm sure you can guess what happened...people showed up to the office sick and gave it to everyone else (who then showed up sick as well). Whatever the company may have gained in not having to pay sick time to

I see at least one person was smart enough to blur out their key edges. The rest better hope they have "what was in your house" photos handy.

@L'Artiste: I also use SplashID, which meets your criteria (Windows, Mac, and Palm clients with full sync). Not free, but highly recommended.

Here's the exact wording from Apple's Boot Camp page ([])...a quick check in the internet archives shows that a similarly worded message has been at the top of the page since its inception:

Apple has clearly stated from the beginning that Boot Camp was a beta product tied to Leopard.

It's a lot easier to handle online criticism when you realize that the person criticizing you doesn't know you...all they know is what you've written (and a lot of the time their criticism is generalized to the point where it has nothing to do with that either). Responding objectively to their criticism (if you choose

The only problem with delegating stuff to my future self is that he's a bigger procrastinator than I am.