
Good grief! First of all, the compass position of the sun rising and setting changes based on where you are in the world and what time of year it is. North and south are predictable from the sun as others have pointed out, but only at one time in the day.

I think one of the secrets to successful list making is having a filter system of some sort that lets you keep the important items in front of you while still keeping track of the less important ones (so at the very least they're not bouncing around the back of your brain wreaking havoc).

I need something like that that will help me color coordinate my wardrobe.

Oh, and bonus points for anyone who can correctly identify how many different decades the design elements come from (clothes and hairstyle included).

Definitely not designed for the "can't walk and chew gum at the same time" crowd. Plus, sweat and electronics usually don't mix.

The numbers I got for tech-industry jobs were incredibly inaccurate. As a manager, if I could hire talented people at the salaries it gave I'd be extremely happy. As an employee, I'd need to move to a less expensive part of the country.

Actually, I thought it was a good response to this thread. :)

Also, if you're traveling you're better off with a laptop sleeve in a basic, non-descript backpack than a fancy laptop backpack that screams "steal me".

An Apple Airport Express turns any wired internet connection into a wireless one regardles of whether you're running OS X or Windows. I also packs small.

As with any technology, it helps if you look at your purchase as a lease rather than a purchase. 6 months or a year down the line (in the case of an iPod), chances are that you're going to sell your current device on eBay for 50% of what you paid for it and buy the latest and greatest. So if you spent $400 on a 60GB

It's my understanding (and the Wikipedia entry seems to back it up) that "Rich Site Summary" is an older acronym used for an older version of RSS. The current, and more accurate, acronym is "Really Simple Syndication."

Wikipedia's definition for Web 2.0, which Wired references, states that Web 2.0 sites "let people collaborate and share information online in previously unavailable ways." There's nothing significant in MySpace that couldn't have been done in Web 1.0. Therefore, and despite being a MySpace user, I have to

Matching someone else on a variety of levels—emotionally, physically (especially posture and the degree of eye contact), and verbally)—can work well if employed on a subtle level to quickly establish a subliminal sense of rapport. It's a technique that also works well in negotiating.

#14 (Actively Listen) should be #1. Even if you're right you won't win a fight unless you understand why the other person feels the way they do and can address their issues.

I haven't had a chance to try the new version yet, but hopefully they got rid of the dialog that asked, "Are you sure you want to quit Democracy?"

I have a 60GB 5G iPod (my 5th or 6th iPod since I bought a 5GB 1G). At the moment I don't plan on upgrading until the mythical widescreen video iPod is released.

What a great example of the way business should be conducted.

You can remove album artwork from a track by doing a "Get Info" on it (right-click or Apple-I), clicking the Artwork tab, clicking on the artwork, then clicking the Delete button. This works with multiple tracks selected if they all have the same artwork.

Nemo, Apple has definitely done the right thing by sticking to their guns on pricing. Better to have a few choices that people will buy than many that people won't. ("Build it right and they will come.")

OK, I really need to wait before I post. Add to the list of new features a built-in iPod manager that gives you much more control over what goes into your iPod and what doesn't.