
There's also a new album view, as shown in your screenshot. And it's worth noting that the new firmware for the iPod (finally) supports gapless playback.

Another feature you missed is that you can now sync your iPod with different computers as long as both are activated with the same iTunes Music Store account.

I'm downloading it as I type this.

Oops, I spoke too soon. Turns out they increased the resolution to 640x480 and lowered the price to $9.99 (except for new releases, which are $12.99 preorder and $14.99 thereafter). I'd still rather have the DVD though.

Apple has just announced that this functionality is integrated into iTunes 7.

$15 for a low-res DRMed copy of a movie? Forget it...I'll just buy a discount copy of the DVD from and rip a copy for my iPod. I'm a huge Apple fan and buy other content from the Music store but they're missing the price point on this one.

Fairbrother, you're not paying for the media when you buy a CD, DVD, or're paying for the right to listen or watch the media in the format you pay for. We can argue for hours on whether or not that's the best approach on the part of the copyright holders (I happen to agree with you that it's not) but it

How to grow old gracefully? Step 1: Learn to be young gracefully.

How does this product fit into LifeHacker's missoin statement: "Lifehacker recommends the software downloads and web sites that actually save time."

Sweet! Being a sucker for a pretty interface, this may actually inspire me to get organized.

Doesn't boosting your cell phone's signal also boost the amound of electromagnetic signals your brain is exposed to when you're talking on the phone? (Hey, I don't mind irradiating my brain a little but I do have my limits.)

The one bad thing abou this kit? Altoids tins aren't waterproof, so make sure you carry it in a waterproof baggie. Incidentally, similar types of kits sell for around $25 at stores like REI!

WD-40 on guitar strings also reduces squeaking from slides and slurs.

Those cameras are not for the beginner/novice shutterbug, am I right?

If you're not into sleight-of-hand then do a Google search for self-working card tricks. For example:

Nice. A more visible clock for those of us who hide our taskbars and more room on the taskbar itself (after the clock there is removed) where it's most needed. Good tip!

"Acrossed" is not a word..."across" is. (Sorry, pet peeve.)

With all due respect to the people behind Kiko, one sure road to failure (or at best a difficult road to success) is to launch into a product space that's already saturated.

If you'd rather learn offline with a video tutorial style and don't mind spending some cash, check out Easy Music Theory from Gary Ewer. Ewer makes it his mission to take the dryness out of learning music theory and although he's often corny in the process he's also very successful!

Based on the beta, you're going to need to wait until Vista is released in order to be able to buy a PC powerful enough to run it.