
It's also worth checking out the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain web site. Apart from one sample exercise this site is promoting a commercial product but it's still worth checking out and especially interesting to see the before and after drawings on the portfolio page.

I have to agree with cebailey...if you can't navigate quickly through 500 artist names using the scroll wheel it's because you're not using the scroll wheel properly. I have no problem finding a song by title out of the 8,700 I have on my iPod in less than 10 seconds, even if it's at the end of the list.

I'll put this on my list of things to try someday.

I should get my facts straight before I post. Al Leech came up with "Red Hot Mama" (the correct spelling) and Frank Everhart became so well-known for performing it as the opener to his Chicago bar act that it was published as "Chicago Opener" by Frank Garcia in 1972 and credited to Everhart.

This trick's real name is "Red Hot Momma" or "Chicago Opener". I learned it a few years ago off a Michael Ammar video (now on DVD) but it was originally conceived by Frank Everhart. When performed well with a good story to it (the presentation in the video here isn't that good) it blows people's minds.

I should also point out that with the switch to Intel it's much easier to do direct price comparisons between Macs and similarly configured PCs.

I'm not sure that price is a factor any more with the Intel Macs (possibly depending on which model you buy). In the WWDC keynote on Monday, it was pointed out that the latest version of Apple's desktop (the Mac Pro) was priced at $2,499 for the standard configuration vs. around $3,500 for an indentically configured

Urinating usually eliminates my urge to go completely.

Wow, now I know why I'm disorganized. Suddenly the disorganization is that much easier to accept and ignore.

"Make sure" instead of "ensure?" There's a difference between not using a word because you don't know how to ("insure" vs. "ensure") and not using it because you feel the need to patronize your readers.

Borax works great for fleas as well...just sprinkle on the carpet, work it in by rubbing with your hand or something more convenient, let it sit for a week, then vaccuum. The only downside is that the fleas go nuts for the first day or so as they try to find a way to escape from it.

An example of a much cruder version of this concept in use can be found at's used to give clues in geocache listings.

Cool site and love the "apples vs. oranges" comparison...funny, geeky, and educational at the same time!

Most of the issues people seem to have with iPhoto were addressed in the iLife '06 release...I'm maintaining my 4,000+ collection with it without any problems including cropping, histogram-based exposure/color correction, adequate tagging some really cool organization tools, and excellent performance. While it may not

Here you go (Google is your friend!):

Once again, one of the best sites for reducing the weight of travel luggage is!

Netflix was great when I had the time to watch the movies. When life got busy and the movies started collecting dust, I simply cancelled my account. Life's so much better when you take control of it!

There are tons of free, premade actions available for download at sites like these:

I could definitely used this guide 26 years ago. Today? Not so much.

Finding the right photographer can go a long way towards getting a photo you're comfortable with. A good photographer will be able to handle most of the tips in this article for you so you can do what you're most comfortable doing: Be yourself! Ask friends if they have any recommendations and ask to see samples of the