
Now we need an post on the etiquette of informing somone that they're posting unnecessary comments.

I think PatsFan nailed it.

You haven't lived until you've worked a 40-hour week in one straight shift.

Burn out a few times from working 80-hour weeks and the ability to call it quits at quitting time comes naturally.

Yep, I remember the internet when you could visit every new web site for the day in under an hour and the best search engine was your personal notes. Those were the days.

I never lie either, but do use selective omission of details when necessary and careful tact to soften the blow when the truth has the potential to have a negative impact on someone. I also agree with Russell that learning how to deal with different personality types is an essential business (and personal) skill.

One of the worst possible mistakes you could make as a newly minted entrepreneur would be to use free business cards with an ad line on the pick identifying them as such. As others have pointed out, it's not that expensive to get a batch of decent-looking cards printed up without any advertising (other than your own)

LifeHacker covered Wufoo here:

Just out of curiosity I looked at the price difference between what SonyStyle charges for camcorders and what you can buy them for elsewhere on the internet...the difference is as much as 200%! So the "deal" Sony is offering here is to save a fraction of the resale value of your current camcorder off a new camcorder

Hey Gina, I've looked into Money a couple of times over the years as an alternative to Quicken (just to see if I'd gain anything cool that I don't have now) and haven't seen anything that would make me switch. If you ever look into Quicken I'd be curious to know what your impressions are as a Money user...whether the

Nice article. If you're into other ways to use an off-camera flash, especially from a photojournalism perspective, check out the rest of the site.

The one that really bugs me in spoken English is "axed", as in: "I axed you a question." I've actually heard this from college grads. And don't get me started on the misuse of apostrophes!

Not only do you get less for your old camera than you could get on eBay, you are also paying more at SonyStyle than you would pay elsewhere. You'll almost never end up ahead (and often far behind).

I always thought eating a lot of garlic helps repel mosquitoes. (It definitely helps repel people.)

I'm surprised nobody has mention Quicken yet (or Money). It makes it easy to set up a budget, track expenditures, balance your checkbook, keep track of your credit card use, keep records for taxes, and pay bills on time (and automatically). You can even track your investments.

The Podcast Outlaws Network, although currently on hiatus, offers a great archive of podcasts recommended through a peer review process.

Delicious Library is's reason enough to buy an iSight if you don't already have one. What other application could possibly make you WANT to spend time cataloging your DVDs, CDs, and books?! (As an added bonus, it also makes it really easy to sell any of your collection on's marketplace.)

I prefer to keep my passwords on my Palm TX, where I have access to them regardless of whether I'm at the computer or not. SplashID, from SplashData, works exceptionally well for this and keeps passwords in encrypted form. It also includes Windows and Mac desktop versions that can be used to enter data or view data

To help you out with Dinther's essential tip, make sure your camera's stabilization feature is on (if it has one), especially when you're zoomed in, use a tripod wherever practical, and consider getting a monopod...far more portable than a tripod and almost as effective. If you don't have access to a tripod or

With respect to throwing away the receipts after a year, remember that if you purchased the item with a credit card then chances are you have an extended warranty through the card. I recently used this benefit to get a free replacement from American Express for an out-of-warranty PDA, but the receipt was most