Crafty Noodle

I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for

Maybe somebody can explain to me why parking is such a “thing” with people. Just park where you see an empty spot. Are you crippled or something that you can’t walk a few extra steps?*

I wonder if he refuses to call students named Jennifer “Jen” or William “Bill”. Because it’s the same fucking thing in my mind. 

Understanding gears and shifting is a big potential leap for new-ish cyclists. I see a lot of frustrated noobs out there mashing or spinning away in the wrong gear. A bike should shift as much or more than a car does. When I start from a stop I go through 4 or 5 gears before I get through the intersection. It’s

I can’t wait to hear all the usual suspects on the “Christian” right to object to feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, showing mercy to the criminal, and aiding the widowed and the orphaned. I’m sure the U.S. being a “Christian country” will continue to just mean being anti-abortion (something the Bible never

WWWHHHYYY is this a video? Why.


I thought right-wingers were against participation trophies for loses.

They could start to carry sizes people need. Few people really, if their bra fits, fit in the 32-28 AA-DD cup range.  I know I don’t. I’m a 34 G and no store just allows me to shop for pretty bras easily.  The nearest place which physically carries my size in almost 2 hours away.  I haven’t visited them in nearly 10

“’s a price to pay for being hospitable.”

Nepotism Barbie is desperate to be taken seriously. She wants to be seen as polished, educated and well-informed. Then she opens her mouth and you realize she’s her father but in prettier packaging. She’s as fake as those giant veneers in her mouth.

Kinda related, but as a non-smoker I really struggle with using normal lighters. I’ve had to use lighters for random things (lighting a grill, burning the end of a string), and every time I use it the flame ends up coming back towards my fingers and I hurt myself.

On Friday, June 28, Bunch responded to Merkley with a letter of his own, explaining that the Smithsonian was legally required to maintain the name of Arthur M. Sackler, who, in 1982, donated $50 million worth of Asian art and artifacts to the institution, as well as an additional $4 million to help fund the building

I have to say, I think it’s time for Pelosi and the rest of the old Dem guard to go. If we had a House filled with people like AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley, Donald would be waist-deep in impeachment by now. We can’t afford centrism anymore. The planet literally can’t take any more Republican dominance and their centr

Tell him no then, until he pays. And hell, make it out of his pocket. He’s supposed to be wealthy isn’t he?