
My first thought was; Which one of her catty girlfriends did she piss off?

And maybe you shouldn't dismiss fat-shaming like its no big deal

Oh Christ, we weren't born yesterday. If he hit you jus admit it.

Do you also talk about your bowel movements like this?

I can recommend s good divorce lawyer

Lots of women regret having kids

Yeah, but he's a guy, so it just doesn't play well.

Mw too. This is crucial in my decision to continue using Microsoft products. I may just have to go back to Apple, even though I know that means more Chinese women workering in factories will commit suicide. But I have priorities.

Yes. We look forward to the government’s report on this grave injustice.

Maybe when they fire him him he can pay his mortgage with sanctimony.

Or it means there are a lot of lesbians in the industry.

I think it's childish. Is it a fucking Halloween party?

Everyone has to be encouraged.

Nobody's surprised you don't have an imagination.

Right. Make sure you tell them they're disgusting when you see them working. That's called victim blaming.

When they're not preoccupied with rape, right?

Sure. But at least Not as bad as an irresponsible parent. I’m not a person that has to explain to their unfathered kids that “Whoops, sorry kids. I’m a terrible judge of character so you don’t have a dad. Oh well!”

Since she's an irresponsible parent, which is worse than me, that must make her worst than a piece of shit, right?

I have to fight to pretend I care whether she lives or dies.

You’re right.