I hear that cult requires their girls to remain in the home until their first menses. Than they’re sold off to the highest bidder.
I hear that cult requires their girls to remain in the home until their first menses. Than they’re sold off to the highest bidder.
Well, let’s be honest. The ugly, fat, and old ladies aren’t dealing with these attitudes.
You’re absolutely right: They never should have hired her ungrateful ass.
The day women actually stop throwing money away on magazines is the day they can declare victory.
Oh, I forgot. You don’t think women should be held accountable for their actions.
What’s distressing is that a teenager couldn’t get her shit straight before she married the first guy she could to get out of the house and had a kid with him no matter how shitty he was.
Playboy is passé. Women post nude pictures of themselves online for free. Let's not pretend women haven't become a lot more sexually liberated, and let's not pretend Hefnor played zero role in that.
You're the exception not the norm. That's the point.
I'm noticing Golf doesn't seem to have this many issues with its pros striking women
I'm shocked
Oh. So you’re one of those. Assumes everyone shares your political positions AND talks politics at work.
“No, but all boys have the capacity to become rapists”
Well, the numbers are downplayed a bit. If you do the math right, it's actually comes out to around 186%. Which means all females are raped roughly twice before their 18th birthday.
Nobody told you?? All boys are rapists.
Good thing his dad makes millio... er, um.