Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

This. The author isn’t complaining about the female characters lacking power, but rather they don’t have the deeper stories to go with them that the male characters seem to have no problems getting.

Probably good writing instead of just slapping on some titles and calling it a day.

I know it’s a stereotype but in a lot of Asian fiction, and I mean a lot, that is the ideal women. Women are either perfect porcelain dolls who are well-behaved and quiet no matter how powerful they are, or they’re allowed to have some agency beyond that but typically only for comedic value, or they’re evil. And

What the hell is with this "Oh man artists are an elite group that need to be taken down a peg or two" nonsense being used in defense of this? Y'all realize "starving artist" is a phrase for a reason, yes?

Not the same, you disingenuous tool, and you know that.

Because you’re developing your own style based on what you’ve learned, and (presumably in this hypothetical scenario) have gotten good enough to where what you produce is something people want and are willing to pay for. That’s not what this AI does. It produces an amalgamation of the works of dozens of different

Yeah dude, you aren’t an animator. I am though. This ai is rotoscoping. So not only is it stealing a style of art from somewhere, but it’s just drawing over top of existing footage to “make it it’s own”. If you did this for a college paper, you’d get flunked out of the class for copyright infringement.

Ok, let me rephrase: to any sane person with even the barest sense of morals, there is no argument. You. Don't. Get. To. Use. Other. People's. Creations. Without. Their. Express. Permission.  End of. I really don't get how this is a difficult concept.


Why do you think anyone would care if you left? It's not like you are one of the regular commenters anyhow. I'm not trying to be mean, none of us are that important.

Well, ok. So leave.

Do us all a favour, follow up on that urge and just leave. Just do it, waddle off into your AI future and leave the actual humans alone. 

I like how you just slide right on over and past literally one of the most important and biggest sticking points in this whole discussion, which is the rights of the artists on whose backs this derivative, hacky garbage is being spit out.

There is no “conversation”. You don’t use existing artworks from living artists to train these things on without the artists' express permission. Full stop.

And here's a retort: Neither situation is likely to budge. So does it really fucking *matter* if their complaint is focused on the tech or the capitalism? "Oh, I wanted to eat that church brick by brick but they tell me that's impossible. Guess I'll eat the concept of sadness instead."


I think this is all I need to say.

Most video game animation uses AI to do inbetweens and other dynamic animations already, which are then fine-tuned after. I think Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was one of the games that really pushed the technology forward. It exists, and depending on the quality of the animation you want, it can be super helpful,

Less-labor intensive? The purpose isn’t to make art easier, it’s to steal their work altogether and push them away - which they are already doing. Making their labor obsolete is just another pro-corporate convenience.

Told you that these corporate/tech bro shills are trying to turn creative human labor obsolete through AI. There’s a reason they’re trying to criminalize artists in general - they’re forcing an ‘easy’ and ‘ethical’ narrative that benefits only them. For instance, they call artist “privileged” because they built their