Holy Jesus this image just keeps giving.
Holy Jesus this image just keeps giving.
Another Trails fan! I can’t believe how much I ended up loving that series. I literally owned all the Trails in the Sky games on Steam and then Cold Steel I and II on PS4 for years and never got around to them. I randomly decided I wanted a more traditional JRPG one day and decided to pop in Cold Steel I, and I was…
Final Fantasy VII remake is excellent, combining turn-based with some button mashing. It’s a balance very hard to manage, but they did.
I will play, I have finished 1-15 (Not counting 11 and 14) and the completionist in me will require me to do so with 16. I am much more looking forward to Trails of Reverie which comes out a couple weeks after FF16 in the US.
I’ve had friends who have been grilled over gaps of individual days in their employment.
I kinda just want a turned based JRPG that looks really pretty.
I imagine they have metrics to back up their design shifts, but I can’t help but wonder at their strategy here. One of the linked articles has Yoshida mentioning that fans are distancing themselves from the franchise as it’s gone on, which seems to coincide with its move away from traditional JRPG mechanics in favor…
Easy, you codify the ‘courtesy’ that most folks give their employers of two weeks’ notice into law, and enforce it on the employers’ part as well.
They won’t as long as the government is controlled by corporate interests.
These kind of practices should be illegal.
Don’t worry, they’ll let him back on for the 9th time once it all blows over
this dude sucks a tremendous amount of ass
Anyone else just kinda shocked that Twitch did something?
Dammit. You mean someone else already started their own streaming service with blackjack and hookers?
Why is it that every time I hear something about a streamer, it’s because they’re a piece of shit?
Look, according to Twitch this was the final, final, final, final, final, final, final, *final* straw. It’s the classic 8-strikes and you’re out policy. Just like tee ball!
“All LGBTQ+ people and leftists are groomers! Anyway, time to show porn to children.”
He’s a massive Andrew Tate bootlicker, that’s how.