Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

And how trusting can you be of the narrative an entertainer is selling you? Those people aren’t their friends, they’re colleagues of the streamer. She has every right to be upset but no reason to be on camera. It looks performative even if the feeling is genuine.

How strange that they somehow decided the young woman of color emote was the one to blame, then.

Well I guess I’m toxic because I use it as a “good game” emote when the game is good.

His wife, because you can't just ignore her usefulness as a prop. It tells people "Despite my enjoyment of unethical nonconsensual fake porn I'm not such a big weirdo that NO woman will be with me. And we're both sad about what I've done. Please don't take away our lifestyle!"

The 5 step procedure for politicians caught in a sex scandal:

“As a husband and a father...”

several of whom Ewing is real-life friends with

If that’s what you mean then I agree. But the fact that you called it fake porn instead of deep fake porn means it could refer to realistic (but non real) porn, rather than porn of real people which are deepfakes.

Coming back to this because it only just struck me he decided to keep his chat overlay on for his apology. Absolutely incredible.

I saw this going around yesterday and didn't really think much of it - I don't watch his streams and hadn't really heard of him. This article mentioning his name, though, made me realize... Atrioc was one of my college roommates lmao. Definitely not how I ever expected to see him again.

This is such an obviously BS thing to do. “I know they would never consent to it if I asked, so I’ll just do it until they catch me.”

I don’t really see why. I mean anime porn has been around a long time and even people in relationship seem to consume it, even together. The issue is not that’s is a “new weird kind of not real porn”, the issue is how it targets real people and has real consequences on their lives. And of course it can be used to

That’s because you’re normal. These people are terminally online.

I mean, that’s standard operating procedure for an insincere apology for many decades now. Politicians love doing that one.

The thing I keep wondering is why is his wife just crying besides him through the video. If I were her I would not want my husband who already violated our friend’s and I’s trust to put my heartbreak on display for content.

They are famous because people enjoy watching them play video games. Not because they play video games.

This exactly, well said.

Yeah I agree with this. You can’t beat the problems of capitalism with capitalism. And a system that ensures Mr. Beast stays rich while helping people is one that won’t actually ever fix these problems. I think if Beast was super serious about addressing some of these things, then maybe he should be open to using his

But that completely misses the point. As some have pointed out online, including streamer Hasan “Hasanabi” Piker, the real issue isn’t MrBeast’s philanthropy but rather the pay-walled access to a simple surgery that could have healthy, long-lasting, positive effects on an individual’s eyesight.

Yeah I didn’t watch any DJs but a bunch of musicians I followed starting doing online concerts during the early days of the pandemic (sometimes literally just from their living rooms or whatever) and it was pretty cool.