Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

It’s not the wrong word, the meaning is essentially the same. But whatever.

Can we gather together and just send live bugs to his house daily for the rest of his life?

I mean ,it’d never happen but  I’d love if companies would publicly name who suggested and proposed policies ..I mean in theory if a manager is suggesting it they have to stand behind it , even if it means that the people being deliberately downrated to fit a quota will know exactly whose fault it is.

Perhaps this specifically isn't specifically an American problem. But unchecked capitalism definitely is an American problem. A lot of other capitalist Western nations have a lot more checks and balances than the US does that help prevent the worst excesses of capitalism.

It definitely isn’t, but I do believe America helped popularize it. A lot of countries like to look to the US for numerous reasons, both bad and good. The US is like the preppy kid that other countries can’t look away from since we spent so much time trying to be the center of global attention after the 1800s, and now

It’s two-fold. The people most likely to become wealthy are those who are willing to do whatever it takes to *GET* wealthy. They are the most amoral (if not outright immoral), unethical, selfish and self-serving, unscrupulous, etc, etc. And the more wealthy someone gets, the more the process inherently selects for

Honestly I’m fairly certain this practice is done in Australia and many other countries. The big corporations all follow similar play books and they all hire the same consulting firms to advise on HR practice like this shit. This isn’t an “American” problem and just good old fashion late stage capitalism 

Once again, the owning class (the high level execs, company presidents, and anyone else who primarily makes money just because of what they own) is so far removed from us everyday workers that we have practically nothing in common with them. They’d sacrifice us all for a fraction more of a penny, because we’re just

Right. And one of the ‘wealthiest countries’ that enables this gets that status by having the sociopaths and psychopaths write the rules. Having no soul makes the most money after all; no empathy to make you concerned for the bottom line and less reluctant to share the wealth - just profits and company growth as they

Corporate types seem to live in an entirely different world from normal people:

This is sociopathy and sociopaths. The structure of the modern world and its ‘economy’ both rewards and incentivizes them and their behavior, which should come as no surprise, given that sociopaths are the ones controlling society and writing its laws. Built by and for sociopaths. What we’re seeing is the perfectly

I want to meet the people who come up with systems like this. Seriously.

‘If everybody is hitting the work quota, nobody is hitting the work quota.’

Luke, I have known you here for quite some time. There is something you should know from a true-blooded American, this country is ruled by corporate interests. The reason it’s seen as the ‘wealthiest’ is because of unethical operations like this that are normalized narratively through corporate-owned media, and even

‘If everybody is hitting the work quota, nobody is hitting the work quota.’

Kovarik reminds me of Cleveland Blakemore and Nicholas Gorissen - all three of them are right-wing psychos with awful opinions they seem insistent on voicing loudly. Two of them (Blakemore and Kovarik) follow the usual conservative hallmark of not having a clue how economics works and stubbornly insisting their game

Considering that the developer also, among other things, doesn’t think statutory rape should be a thing, and thinks if no violence occurred then it wasn’t rape...yeah, using a Notch quote is right up this garbage human’s alley.

He called “statutory rape” a meaningless sjw term and said there’s no rape if there’s no violence, and that a teacher/student sexual relationship (for example) could absolutely be consensual.

And defending statutory rape, yep.

I have no real opinion for or against that price hike (or the game itself), but I just noticed that the developers use a quote from Notch of Minecraft fame and subsequent Twitter infamity as testimonial on the Steam page.