Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

This tool is weirdly aggressive in almost every comment of theirs that I've seen. 

I’ve been plugging away at Final Fantasy XV in a major way, so I will be doing more of that this weekend. I hadn’t started playing this game until this winter, and I’d like to try to finish around—if not before—FFVII Remake drops. XV is fine. I enjoy playing it, but I certainly notice its shortcomings.

Dammit, Luke! With the way things have been around this place, seeing that headline before noticing the tag and before the image loaded made me think yet another one of you was leaving! You gave me a fright. :(

I just finished the campaign recently myself, and I second everything you’ve said. It was an excellent experience. I just wish there were more of it!

And thank you, too! 

Thank you! 

Could you please point me in the direction of Heather’s article?

I’m playing Celeste for the first time, so I’ve been plugging away at that for a bit. Playing a little more FE: Awakening and probably the Titanfall 2 campaign. I'll also put in some more time with Ring Fit Adventure. Other than that, AGDQ starts on Sunday, so I'll start watching a lot of that as well. :) 

Now playing

The N64 was the thing Christmas dreams were made of.

Yeah, I honestly wasn’t sure! It all sounds like a fever dream. In the end, I probably just have to go see it for myself.

The blog post he wrote to accompany this comic is full of complaints about Kryptonians and power creep, so I’m afraid he doesn’t appear to be engaging in any sort of deeper criticism of the films.

The io9 one does, and I almost couldn’t tell if she was joking. Evidently she wasn’t.

It is entirely unsurprising that the Nerf Now guy is the type to be extremely upset that Rey is the main character of the new trilogy and very strong with the Force. But at the same time he also wants to make sure you know that, actually, he “doesn’t care.”

Don’t believe in yourself; believe in me who believes in you!

Keep at it! You can do it!

Seriously. I thought part of the point of the Barf Bag redesign was to do away with that nonsense. And why is this one published on the Jez main site instead of The Slot?

That younger doughy Republican who kept saying he’d do this or that “every day of the week” seemed to fit that douchebro description to a T.

Who is Sleve McDichael? 

Gabbard should take a long walk off a short pier while she's at it. 
