Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Do the several auto-playing, looping videos in Patrick’s Mario Maker articles slow anyone else’s browser way down? I may have to avoid them altogether.

Ha! That was great. I can’t wait to see what else Mario Makers will come up with over time.

Don’t forget Chansey + Hitmonchan.

This one is wonderful. Well done!

Kaepora Gaebora is sick and tired of you breezing through his long monologues.

That does make it even more entertaining to watch and listen to him. Jason needs to step up his game! :oP

I am...never. Going. Back. In the water.

My vision must be going, because I don’t see Bastion on your list.

I think I finally need to try playing this game. Not sure how well my computer would be able to run it, though.

Ooh, that looks sharp.

Now playing

Green Hill Zone is cool, I grant you, but let’s not forget about “Sports”.

Quite the scheme they’ve got going on there.

When I was 10 or 11 my cousins and I were so excited about the Pokémon games coming out, that we left their home and our babysitter under the pretense of a bike ride to try and obtain a copy for ourselves. We left the neighborhood and crossed a highway to get to the Walmart, the store didn’t even have the game yet. We

He says in the video that it was his sister-in-law.

I don't understand why this isn't just common knowledge. It should be everyone's responsibility. You also don't have to worry about dropping anything in the toilet and it helps reduce the amount of germs that fly out of it when you flush. C'mon, people.

And they look cooler, too! They are a bit expensive, but I really enjoy fitting Vessery or Rexler into a list.

Do it!

Ha! That was great.

I've been getting into the X-Wing Miniatures game for the past few weeks, and I'm hopelessly hooked. It's great fun, and the miniatures are so cool! And I feel like I have you to thank, Luke, for alerting me to its existence when you wrote about it back when it was first released. It took me quite