Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

"Play offline"
Oh, boy, can I?!

Man, what a commotion that SimCity business was.

So, what's the consensus here? "Tiers for Cheers" or "Tiers for Jeers"?

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He and Aaron Carter should go one on one.

Very interesting! I've been STARving for more Smash Bros. news.

That was an absolute nightmare. I don't know who decided that Spike TV would represent those who play video games, but I would be extremely embarrassed to be associated with that production in any way. I was actually surprised that media outlets gave it so much coverage this year and last. Do you think it'd just go

Hey, man, there's no shame in licking cups. Don't wanna make a mess!

Cripes, this video has me busting up. It just looks so ridiculous and difficult to control. I can't wait to give it a try.

I really enjoyed The Conjuring. I thought that the setting was nice and creepy, and the ideas at play had my imagination going pretty wild. It's freaky stuff. I don't know if I remember enjoying a horror movie the same way I did that one. I definitely recommend it. Edit: I forgot a trailer!

Ridley Scott's Robin Hood from 2010 wasn't a real big hit, was it? I certainly don't hear much about it, but I really enjoy the film. I recommend folks give the $6 deal a shot. Apart from being a Robin Hood story, it's got Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett and King Robert Baratheon. What's not to like?

No, it really isn't. English is literally classified as a Germanic language, more specifically West Germanic. The other influences are mostly limited to vocabulary; English remains a Germanic language due to its grammar and structure.

English has been influenced by several languages, but it is a Germanic language.

Hm, I hadn't considered increasing the win count, but our sessions usually last a long time anyway. Since none of us can stand to let the other win it all, everyone usually has one win before someone finally gets the second one, haha.

I'm tickled that you include Epic Spell Wars in your list of recommended entry-level games. I can't recommend the game enough. It's a quick, easy game that has provided so much fun for me and my friends. I just wish they'd come out with an expansion or two... :/

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As Nomiya said, it seems to have originated with Ken Shimura and is often accompanied by saying "aiin." Here, enjoy this video.

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Oh, man. I hated that Green Line with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Two cars per train - maaaybe three - to carry all of those people in or out during rush hours? The damn thing never ceased to amaze me.

Lol, my friends and I worked at it as a team, so I think we got pretty far, but it took a bit of trial and error.

Oh, yeah. I was definitely reminded of that, too. It was pretty fun back then, but I remember having a lot of trouble with the difficulty.

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But it doesn't make any sense. And no matter what Stephen Pinker says, I highly doubt there is any sarcastic intent from the people who use the phrase incorrectly.

I don't know what it is exactly, but I really like Francis Manapul's artwork. Brian Buccellato's coloring is fantastic, too. I'm not huge into comics, and I only started reading some a couple of years ago, but their art is part of what I really enjoyed about The Flash and why I looked forward to subsequent issues.

Yes to this! Yes to life, and yes to magic.

I would be so pleased if it were indeed Jet Force Gemini.