I feel like someone would actually feel limited playing as Jake. Usually characters can only have so many abilities, but Jake's abilities and shapes in the show seem almost infinite.
I feel like someone would actually feel limited playing as Jake. Usually characters can only have so many abilities, but Jake's abilities and shapes in the show seem almost infinite.
I dunno, I've always pronounced it "why-vern", and now that I look in the dictionary, it looks to be correct.
Initially I was against this idea, but on second thought, it might be kind of cool to have Lloyd or Shiina or someone in the next game.
Yeah, as soon as I read that part, I decided that I would have very little sympathy for what was to befall her.
Ha, that sounds like something out of a Mario Party game.
Ah, yes. The ragged edges of the cut plastic are the packaging's second line of defense, and they certainly make you reconsider whether the contents are really worth the trouble.
I'm willing to bet that clamshell packaging would lower smoking rates even more. Damn near impossible to open without a good pair of kitchen scissors.
Nicely played, Doris. Nicely played.
True, but I imagine he was referring to the northern hemisphere, since he had already defined the summer season as starting in June.
A quick correction: It's the autumnal equinox that takes place in September, not the vernal.
What the heck? A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Dragon Ball Z mash-up? Weird, but kinda neat.
Burgers, shakes and fries? I thought Hellboy would have been preferred healthy helpings of pancakes.
I certainly noticed, and it pleases me greatly. :)
Yeah, the future of this community doesn't look too bright right now. But for what it's worth, I thought they were keeping the heart system. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere...
I guess Lauren Davis has a penchant for understatement.
Welcome to the fold! :)
You know, the milk shown on cereal boxes always did look a little too viscous to me.
I don't think it's all that sexist to opine that someone would be better served by standing up for themselves at the time of the event, rather than write a blog post about it later on down the line.
Weird. I don't remember that ever happening to me. That sure would be unsettling, though.
Anybody ever try Coco Wheats? I only remember the commercial. Here's a slightly altered version for your enjoyment.