Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

"Killer Whale" is definitely one of taxonomists' more ironic names for the poor beast. ;)

Nice! I kind of wish I had gotten the PS3 version, but my friend had already given me the first one for 360 last year, and I figured I should just continue on that console. Buying all of the mission DLC kind of sucks, though. :/

Hey, thanks a lot! That certainly helps me better understand InAnimateAlpha's last warning. I will definitely keep this in mind and take care of side-quests as sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the advice. Loyalties seem so tricky. I'm always second-guessing myself, haha. Maybe I'm too suspicious of the developers.

Thanks a lot. It seems to me I've already been warned about getting ship upgrades, so I'm already working on that. I just hope the medical bay upgrade doesn't count toward that. I'd rather spend my resources on something other than fixing my facial scars. I'm Paragon anyway.

Thanks a lot for the tips. Man, this whole thing seems like such a balancing act, haha.

Thanks. I'll definitely be doing all of the loyalty missions. I've done Kasumi's so far. I decided to let her keep the greybox (out of sympathy and curiosity about its contents), but now I wonder if I should have. She seemed kind of weird about having it. Hanging on too closely to the memories stored within.

Awesome. Thanks. Are these hints given right as you prepare for the mission, or are they spread throughout the game? I may have to start paying closer attention...

I've finally gotten back into Mass Effect 2 after about a three-month hiatus(!). I've only recruited Zaeed, Mordin and Kasumi so far, and I'm about to go for the Archangel. I already plan on recruiting everyone and doing the loyalty mission for each, but does anyone here have any general, preferably spoiler-free tips

For me it was always elixirs and mega-elixirs in Final Fantasy games. I would occasionally use them in emergencies, but otherwise I still ended with several in my inventory, unused.

I really hope my collector's edition preorder doesn't get screwed up somehow...

Awesome. I'm really itchin' to get at it, but there's so much else in my way. Damn you, so much else!

Thanks for your input.

I remember hearing an interview from one of the team members. I think they wanted to make sure that they could facilitate more of the great ideas that were being generated among the team. If the entire team were focusing on one large game at a time, with a longer development cycle, they'd never get to realize some of

That's a pretty awesome gesture. Is Psychonauts the kind of game that needs a sequel? Is there room for a sequel? I haven't played it yet (it's in my backlog, I promise), but I'm just curious to hear some thoughts. It certainly sounds like enough people want one.

I definitely voted for that one.

Yeah, I guess it just hit harder once I realized it was someone whose perspective we've read before. It's a pretty deplorable situation regardless.

Oh, man, I was appalled the entire time I read that one. Once it was confirmed that it was indeed Theon, I felt pretty bad for him. However, I'm not sure yet if I despise the Bastard or Cersei more...

Ooh, that would be interesting. I remember playing that game a lot on N64. I wonder how well it'd hold up.

That Metlife commercial gave me the same sort of warm feeling that that Imagination Land episode of South Park gave me. :)