I dunno - that Chuck Norris WoW commercial sucks pretty hard, too. Not only does it seem kind of late to be promoting WoW, it's way too late to be using any Chuck Norris jokes.
I dunno - that Chuck Norris WoW commercial sucks pretty hard, too. Not only does it seem kind of late to be promoting WoW, it's way too late to be using any Chuck Norris jokes.
I have done it at last: I have beaten Skyward Sword. Overall, I really liked the ending; it was very nice and heartwarming. Feels good, you know? I like how it ties all of the Zelda games together without being restrictive or requiring some confusing, thrown-together timeline. I also kind of grew attached to all of…
*Sigh*, I'm not sure why I even bother to click on the Dueling Analogs comic each Sunday. I mean, I know at this point it's more of a morbid curiosity, but I somehow still end up disappointed or angry.
Me too! I'm taking quite a while, but I think this weekend is the weekend.
Gonna attempt to finish up my first Skyward Sword play-through this weekend, and if I'm successful, I will get back to Mass Effect 2. Should be a good time.
I'd imagine these vampires' typical sustenance is irony enough.
I actually like found footage elements in movies, when they're done well. I may end up seeing this tonight after work. I'm curious to see the misuse that Andrew will put his powers to and how things will inevitably fall apart.
Great! Like you said, there are still many upgrades and other things to get, and you can use whatever weapon combinations you want right from the start, so it doesn't feel like a chore or anything. It's truly a delight.
Might as well experience the different endings yourself when you do the New Game+. :)
Congrats! Wouldn't mind hearing how it goes for you. I've been keeping up with the Trenches webcomic, and there are some real horror stories at the bottom of each page...
Oh, jeez, hahaha. How do you find all this stuff?
He's lucky that manhole cover apparently didn't catch him in the face. It looks pretty close.
This is absolutely fucked up and disgusting. I'm curious to know more about the nature these kids' relationship prior to this and about Joseph's vulnerabilities that were alluded to. I'd also like to know how this Bartkey was allowed to have a child and be a fucking nursing assistant.
In this sort of case, they really need to do way instain mother.
That...was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.
"Whoa! Careful repairing that shield generator, Artoo! Whew, that was a close one!"
You got somethin' to say, Earth-clan?
Ha! Those wacky Romans. Frankly, I'd rather not be staring someone in the eye while we're both doing our business.
That brings to mind some sort of large, open-air public bathroom full of toilet seats arranged in a semicircle.