Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Poor Owen will never catch a break. Nor should he. That picture is pure gold.

Welcome, one and all! I'm looking forward to seeing your chops.

Heh heh, I think you've brought this problem up in TAY before. I don't like it either, but I can't avoid it.

I've actually pretty much stopped using Google so that I can earn points for the daily random searches I perform at work and at home. I'm hoping the MS points will offset some of the cost of ME2 DLC. I've already earned 300!

Wow, this is really neat. I liked your Okami one, too.

Thanks for the enlightenment. I guess when it comes to the more outlandish pieces, I just have difficulty separating the functionality aspect of clothing from what I'm seeing. And I suppose the "vanity, money, reputation and other seemingly petty values" that you mention kind of irk me as well when it comes to the

How could they do this?! I remember reading those books in elementary school at the "Read-Over" (sleepover at the school, during which you read most of the time); the art was almost half of the horror. I still find it kind of frightening.

I don't know if I'll ever understand fashion shows like that. They certainly don't produce anything functional. It's basically "Hey, look at how unappealing and stupid I can make this bunch of fabric look." And I guess people make a big deal out of it. Is there any point to the "clothing" other than to be worn down a

Forget Simpsons Arcade - I want Virtual Bart!

Ich bin ein witziger Kerl.

Yeah, or guys behaving like birds and mountain lions. It's all so bizarre. Check it out.

This Robert sounds anything but lustig. I want my sugar unimpeded (in reasonable doses)!

Careful, man! You can't just be throwing WWII weapons-grade jokes around here!

Don't FUCK with the babysitter!

I can't stop watching...


Really? While it isn't particularly fun, I wouldn't say it's all that bad. But then again, maybe I just like to make Kina smile. :oP

"I want to meet that dad!"

Oh, it's already too late for me. I've already learned that I'm just no good at fighting games, so I don't even bother. Pretty much the only exception so far has been Soul Calibur.

When you're rolling around as a head, you're likely to be eaten by a Grandbaby.