It's a brutal world out there for impressionable young men. Troggles tryin' to keep a guy down.
It's a brutal world out there for impressionable young men. Troggles tryin' to keep a guy down.
Oh, man, I'm pretty sure my grandma had that VHS when I was little. I think I was too young and disinterested to notice how the story differed, but I found it weird for being more somber and less vibrant than the Disney version.
I think I'll be sitting this one out. I've only been on board since SC2, but I've become so familiar with the characters and have some very consistent favorites (Kilik! Talim! Amy!). I don't want to put up with replacements if they're just going to be lackluster or just plain annoying. Seeing the Star Wars characters…
Whew! That's a relief. I don't think I shall ever visit that cave again.
Go to your profile, hit "Edit Profile", and at the very bottom of the window hit "Change avatar image".
I'm probably a poor example, because I'm really not any good at fighting games, but I tried Virtua Fighter 4, and it was way too deep for me. It seemed like I'd have to devote a whole lot of time learning a single character for them to be even serviceable. So, I could see that being a factor in limiting the audience.…
Really? No piece of heart or anything for completing the highest setting? I am so relieved that you told me this before I ended up spending an entire evening trying to succeed at it (I haven't had the Rupees for it until now). Because one of these days I was going to try again and again until I beat it, probably…
The problem I have with lending my games to people is that they don't seem to take care of them as well as I do. Or at least as well as I am comfortable with. Too many times have I been to a friends' houses and seen their game discs just lying on a desk or TV stand, outside of its case and sometimes data-side down.…
I'm making some great headway in Skyward Sword! I am searching for the three parts of the Hero's Song, so I imagine I must be nearing the end. I obtained the first two last night. Just speeding along!
I was a little confused until I found a sign that said they will follow pointed objects, or something like that. Not a real fan of that mechanic, so I'm glad it wasn't used more widely.
I've heard a lot of good things about Guardian Heroes. I haven't played it myself yet, but it's an idea.
Unfortunately, I think I feel the same way. I'm only in my first full-time job since graduating college, and it's pretty great to start out with, but I don't know what I actually want to do, or if I'll even have the luxury of being able to do something I enjoy. I just want to be more interested and engaged in my work.…
Good to hear! I second freedomweasel on considering the soundtrack, though you may not need any convincing after you play the full game. :) Enjoy!
I think "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie" is simply a cowboy folksong that has been recorded by several artists, including Johnny Cash.
That's a good point. Certainly individual publications have a particular style and image for a reason, and it would make sense to want their writers to maintain that style. But at the same time, I feel like the connection between editors and commenters at Kotaku is rather important to the site, and I think delivering…
Well, that's a good point. But at least the full text will always be there for the audience to read and make their own decisions about what it means to them. I think either way the reader will take from the review what they will.
Awesome! Hopefully the controller-flinging difficulty is the exception, rather than the rule, but I think I'm sold either way. I feel like I'd regret passing up the visuals alone, but it's good to hear that it actually plays great, too.
When I read about how poorly the game has been selling, I felt kind of bad. It came out pretty recently, right? And it's already gone from $60 down to 30 for consoles. Considering how poorly it seems to be performing, I'd want to make sure to get it while it's still easily obtainable.
I love a good platformer! Like I said, I've been curious about the franchise in the past, so I'll probably end up getting it. I'm leaning toward the PS3 version.
That good, huh? I will admit I'm a sucker for colors. And platformers hold a special place in my heart.