Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

But don't reviews inherently require you to trust the person who wrote it?

I really like the idea of being able to identify who wrote the review by its format and style. I'm looking forward to learning each editor's preference and becoming more familiar with his voice. Glad you're allowing for this kind of freedom and variability!

I love the imagery there.

A wizard is never ripped. Nor is he flabby. He is toned precisely the way he means to be.

Only two hundredths of a cent? Come on - surely you place more worth in your opinions than that!

Hey there, everyone. I've never played a Rayman game, but Rayman Origins has piqued my interest. I've been mildly curious about the games in the past, and the art looks pretty cool and twisted. But should I play it? It sounds like it's gotten some great reviews, but why should I care about this game?

We get a light dusting of Snow

I think it's supposed to be published this July.

Haha, wow, that's pretty bad. I remember when that was on Toonami, but I never watched it.

I am forever baffled and exasperated at the decision they made. And let's not forget Mr. Satan- I mean "Hercule". So much trouble goes into censoring such minor things when they should really just leave it all alone.

GROAN. And here I had almost forgotten all about Hell being called Home For Infinite Losers. Thanks a lot. Jerk. ;)

The man is Wendell, the mascot for Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. The abomination to the right is apparently the mascot for the obscure, short-lived Kellogg's cereal, Bigg Mixx.

Haha, awesome. They seem the perfect size to me. My parents have two German Shepherds in the house. One's a puppy, but growing fast; the other still acts like a puppy sometimes. You gotta love 'em.

I just have to say that those are some beautiful dogs, and that picture of them all on the bed together is so precious. It would be a shame to have to separate one of them. :(

Hey, thanks for posting this; I ended up really digging it. Now I've got some further investigation to do...

Good luck, man. We're pullin' for ya.

Haha, yeah, I did. I was wondering what the heck was going on.

Thanks! I'll have to look into this tonight. I might end up not being interested, but I appreciate the advice.

It is indeed, and I, too, am head-over-heels for the stuff. :)

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