Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Lol, sorry, I was thinking of it as if it would be a part of this site. I know Press X or Die has forums for current and former Kotakuites and other like-minded folk, but do they also have a live chat? I haven't really visited.

Well, in what way? I think it'd be pretty cool to have more immediate conversations with other Kotakuites, but don't you think there are too many of us commenters for just one chat? I feel like it could get pretty unruly.

I genuinely want to play Sonic CD. I'm curious to see what all the hubbub has been about.

I have been interested in this game for quite a while, but I just don't know if I have time for another JRPG on top of the few other ones in my backlog. But then again, last I checked, it's going for pretty cheap...

"Yo, Dawg. I heard you like games..."

This game looks ridiculous! Suddenly I'm getting interested, where before I wasn't at all...

That's some fine writing there, Avery, and a pretty inspiring story. I may just have to check out your blog for myself. Keep up the good work!

I used to play Tiny Toons on the Genesis! Had some fun times switching off with my friend. I wish I had known back when I was little that there was a Darkwing Duck game, because I would have been all over that. So, yes, I am jealous.

Same here. After hearing about what went on there, I'm glad I didn't watch. But the way they apparently executed it still bothers me. Maybe a good first step would be to not have it hosted by Spike TV? Just a thought.

Thanks. I do think that's part of the problem. I often find myself slipping back into "TP mode" as well, and I have to remind myself to use full motions. Those damn flowers though... :)

I sometimes have a bit of trouble with the swordplay, too. Especially when I need to act quickly, like with the flowers whose mouths alternate between vertical and horizontal.

Wow, was that odd. Saunich kind of sounds like the Cheat's version of Strong Bad.

Haha, you know it.

It's basically the easiest commission ever. Collect 55 blank sheets of paper, and you're done!

Right. And Russia must move forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling toward freedom!

Oh, thanks for reminding me: I still need to pick that up, and it's only ten cents today.

Oh man, these Muppet 'shops were amazing. Hilarious!

Awesome! I didn't even know DLC was planned. It's just a shame that Microsoft has apparently been so dickish about free DLC. I'm limited to the XBLA version, but I'll still get the DLC, because I love the game so much.

So, here's a question: I work in academic publishing, and I'm just curious about what similarities there might be between the publication of books and that of games. Are there any? What exactly does games publication entail, apart from - I suppose - production and marketing? I know a few folks around here are in the

Bastion of course, if you haven't already. I purchased Wizorb, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. It's on XBLIG, but it looks pretty cool.