Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

That is so disturbing...

This is the only friend, the end.

This game still has me intrigued. I'd be interested in trying it out and learning what the objective is.

Haha, yes! I love The Brain! So bad, but so, so good.

I think I'm experiencing a bit of that old Legend of Zelda magic and wonder all over again. I am reminded of when I played Ocarina of Time as a kid. I used to get so excited and even giddy about my adventure and about seeing my inventory slowly fill up with all of the weapons and items. I remember that obtaining all

I thank you, too! I get tired of hearing that line of logic. Where the heck do they get rape from?

That was actually on my mind last night as well, even though I'm still way at the beginning. I started wondering if I should really be talking to everyone twice, haha.

Hahaha, tabs are indeed a mixed blessing.

I think minimum is now 15 or 16 characters.

I'm inclined to agree. It can be a fine idea. Sometimes the alarming discrepancy between a character's monstrous nature and their disarming and nonthreatening outward appearance is very effective. But as you said, excessive or unnuanced use of that trope can make it stale and unappealing.

Yeah, work is exactly why I'm avoiding it, heh heh. The couple of times I've visited at all in the past, I've kept pretty disciplined, but there's just no telling how absorbed I might become.

Oh man, it's been so long since I last played FFX. But yeah, things only get serious once the transformations begin.

Well, fortunately I don't have time to explore TV Tropes right now. I read the one entry, but the temptation to investigate further was strong, let me tell you.

I'm sorry to say I still haven't played all of Chrono Trigger. I'm so ashamed... :(

Ah, I should have seen TV Tropes coming. :)

I agree with the others: That's pretty damn funny.

Here's a thought that occurred to me when I encountered Ghirahim for the first time in Skyward Sword last night: Why does it seem so common for villains (particularly demon lords) in Japanese games and anime to be very effeminate-looking males with long hair, bedroom eyes and maybe even a sort of dark lipstick? They

I'm right there with you.

Hahaha, I love that song!

Honestly, I think we could just skip the whole bracket, because "Christmas Shoes" has got to be the worst Christmas song ever conceived. Don't get me wrong, there are some real cringers out there (Elvis' "Blue Christmas", anyone?), but this one is just so terrible in so many ways.