Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer. Next week may be a possibility, but it'd be a very slim one.

Dang. Here I was thinking I'd finally be able to partake in a Kotaku Game Club, because I'm actually playing Skyward Sword right after release, and then I saw the completion increments. I don't think there's any way I'll have enough time to play that much. :'(

Oh, I guess it's only until December 31st. Still cool beans though.

Wow, that's actually pretty cool. Might be nice for the occasional indie game or even to save up for those Reach map packs or something. Thanks for the tip!

Wait; what's this?

That's nuts. To me it seems pretty worrisome when there is that sort of deceit and censorship of the media.

Again, thanks for keeping us up-to-date on everything. Whatever goes down over there, stay safe!

Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Definitely. Mario Galaxy is a good choice, as would be its sequel. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is great, too, if you've got people to play it with. I also liked No More Heroes, but it may not be for everyone.

Dear ears.

Oh, wow. It totally does.

Hahaha, it's been a while since I've seen this.

I remember hearing something about the elections over there, but I'm not very well-informed, so I wasn't sure if that was just par for the course or if people would actually do something about it. Apparently it's a little of both. That's terrible though, and I'm really sorry to hear it. I hope something changes

I thought it might be a time/money issue. Just as long as you keep it in the back of your mind that you need play this game at some point. :)

I remember reading that Xenosaga 2 was a pretty bad game, but that you can still read up on the story in 3, which was apparently much better. So, skipping 2 might be a little shortcut for you, if you feel so inclined. ;)

Hunkering down with some JRPGs for the winter sounds delightful. But how come you don't know if you're gonna get Odin Sphere? I know it's not a JRPG, but I think you'd be remiss in passing it up.

I want to go to there.

I am so, so tired of movies with 3D. Coraline and Avatar are the only ones I've seen in 3D. For everything after, I've opted for the 2D version. It really doesn't add anything to the experience for me; it's more of a nuisance. Plus, I already wear glasses,, thanks.

This could just be some uninformed speculation from me, but since there are very specific ways that shop keeps and other service-type positions are supposed to conduct themselves in Japan, the merchants in the Zelda games might be a comical exaggeration of that behavior. Or maybe the developers are playing with

Yes, totally. I'm completely fine with just the grunts and emotive sound effects and gestures. They crack me up, too.